Configure the REST Adapter to Expose an Integration as a REST API

Oracle Integration provides an easy way to expose an integration as a RESTFul service by using the REST Adapter as a trigger.

  1. Create and test a REST Adapter connection with a trigger as the role.

  2. Create an integration.

  3. Drag the REST Adapter connection as a trigger within the integration canvas.

  4. Follow the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard to describe the shape of the RESTful service.

    The REST Adapter can be set up to accept a request on a specific URL path. This path can have template and query parameters. You can also decide on the HTTP method, the structure of the request payload, the request headers, and the CORS configuration. Likewise, you can also specify the response payload and the response headers that must be sent back to the client.

  5. Upon activation, a RESTful service protected using OAuth and HTTP Basic Auth is created.

    A Swagger 2.0–compliant document is automatically produced for REST APIs exposed using the REST Adapter. This document describes the metadata for the generated REST APIs. Human-readable HTTP metadata is also produced for the REST endpoint.