Support for OpenAPI Documents with External References

OpenAPI documents with external references are supported for both HTTP- and HTTPS-based URLs.

Note the following guidelines:
  • The base URL for all references must be the same:
  • The protocol must be either HTTP or HTTPS for all references. (No redirections for HTTP to HTTPS or vice versa.)
  • The URLs must be unprotected (that is, without authentication).
  • The references are supported for both relative and absolute URLs.

    Examples of both references are as follows:

    Absolute Reference Relative Reference
    "Request":  {
        "$ref": "http://dummyhost/resources/openapi/RequestReference.json#/components/schemas/ReferredSchema"
    "Request":  {
        "$ref": "RequestReference.json#/components/schemas/ReferredSchema"
  • The references are supported only at the schema level (not supported at the path level).
  • Only the paths associated in the main OpenAPI document are considered. Any paths in references are ignored.