Environment REST Endpoints

Oracle Integration applications allow authenticated access from Oracle domains like oracle.com, oraclecorp.com, oracleonsrcloud.com, oc.scloud, oci.scloud, oracleiaas.com, and oraclecloud.com. All domains belonging to arbitrary origins need to be registered in the allowed list of sites for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) processing. Use this API only if you want to allow access from non-Oracle cloud domains. You need Administrator permissions to use CORS related API functions.
Create a List of Domains Allowed for CORS Processing
Method: post
Path: /ic/api/integration/v1/environment/corsdomains
Delete the List of Domains Supported for CORS Processing
Method: delete
Path: /ic/api/integration/v1/environment/corsdomains
Retrieve List of Domains Allowed for CORS Processing
Method: get
Path: /ic/api/integration/v1/environment/corsdomains
Update the List of Allowed Domains for CORS Processing
Method: put
Path: /ic/api/integration/v1/environment/corsdomains