Retrieve a Connection



Retrieves detailed information about the connection with the specified ID.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Includes additional details about the adapter in the response. Valid value: adapter
  • This is the name of the service instance. You can get this value from the About page where it is specified in the Service instance field.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : ConnectionRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdapterTypeRs
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdapterTypeBaseRs
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : connection-properties
Type: array
List of Connection Properties
Show Source
Nested Schema : security-policy-info
Type: array
List of Security Policies
Show Source
Nested Schema : security-properties
Type: array
List of Security Properties
Show Source
Nested Schema : wsdl-list-dir
Type: array
List of WSDL
Show Source
Nested Schema : IdRs
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : GenericRestRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : IdRs-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdapterTypeBaseRs-allOf[2]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdapterTypeRs-allOf[3]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : genericAuthSupport
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdapterIconsRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : oAuth3LeggedSupport
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdapterVendorInfo
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectionPropertyRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : acceptable-keys
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectionAttachmentRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AdapterKey
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : BaseAttachmentRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SecurityPolicyInfoRs
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "SOURCE", "TARGET", "SOURCE_AND_TARGET" ]
  • security-properties
Nested Schema : security-properties
Type: array
Show Source

404 Response

Connection not found

500 Response

Server error
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The following examples show how to get details about a connection by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL. For more information about endpoint URL structure, see Send Requests.

Example: Get details about the connection REST_SAMPLE with additional details about the adapter

curl -G -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json" -d "expand=adapter"

Example: Get details about the connection ACME_WEATHER_CONNECTION


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json" \

Response Body:

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format.

    "links": {
        "@rel": "self",
        "@href": ""
    "connectionproperties": [
            "displayName": "WSDL URL",
            "hasAttachment": "false",
            "hidden": "false",
            "length": "0",
            "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
            "propertyName": "targetWSDLURL",
            "propertyType": "URL_OR_FILE",
            "required": "true"
            "displayName": "Target Server's TLS version (Optional)",
            "hasAttachment": "false",
            "hidden": "false",
            "length": "0",
            "propertyDescription": "Target server's TLS protocol version. Default is TLSv1.1. Possible values TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2",
            "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
            "propertyName": "tlsVersion",
            "propertyShortDesc": "Target server's Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version. Default is TLSv1.1",
            "propertyType": "CHOICE",
            "required": "false"
            "displayName": "Suppress insertion of timestamp into the request (Optional)",
            "hasAttachment": "false",
            "hidden": "false",
            "length": "0",
            "propertyDescription": "In secure Web Services transactions, a WS-Utility (WSU) Timestamp can be inserted into a WS-Security Header \nto define the lifetime of the message in which it is placed. \n\n  If \"Yes\" is selected, no timestamp will be added to WS-Security \n header sent as part of the outbound request. For inbound requests with Basic Auth security policy, no timestamp is required to be sent by the client.",
            "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
            "propertyName": "suppressTimestampForRequest",
            "propertyShortDesc": "If \"Yes\" is selected, no timestamp will be added to WS-Security header sent as part of the outbound request. For inbound requests with Basic Auth security policy, no timestamp is required.",
            "propertyType": "CHOICE",
            "required": "false"
            "displayName": "Ignore timestamp in the response message (Optional)",
            "hasAttachment": "false",
            "hidden": "false",
            "length": "0",
            "propertyDescription": "Property used by the client to ignore the timestamp \n in the SOAP security header when it receives the response from the service. \n If \"Yes\", then the timestamp is not required in the response \n message; if the timestamp is present, it is ignored.",
            "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
            "propertyName": "ignoreTimestampInResponse",
            "propertyShortDesc": "If \"Yes\", then the timestamp is not required in the response message",
            "propertyType": "CHOICE",
            "required": "false"
    "adaptertype": {
        "appTypeConnProperties": [
                "displayName": "WSDL URL",
                "hasAttachment": "false",
                "hidden": "false",
                "length": "0",
                "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
                "propertyName": "targetWSDLURL",
                "propertyType": "URL_OR_FILE",
                "required": "true"
                "displayName": "Target Server's TLS version (Optional)",
                "hasAttachment": "false",
                "hidden": "false",
                "length": "0",
                "propertyDescription": "Target server's TLS protocol version. Default is TLSv1.1. Possible values TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2",
                "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
                "propertyName": "tlsVersion",
                "propertyShortDesc": "Target server's Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version. Default is TLSv1.1",
                "propertyType": "CHOICE",
                "required": "false"
                "displayName": "Suppress insertion of timestamp into the request (Optional)",
                "hasAttachment": "false",
                "hidden": "false",
                "length": "0",
                "propertyDescription": "In secure Web Services transactions, a WS-Utility (WSU) Timestamp can be inserted into a WS-Security Header \nto define the lifetime of the message in which it is placed. \n\n  If \"Yes\" is selected, no timestamp will be added to WS-Security \n header sent as part of the outbound request. For inbound requests with Basic Auth security policy, no timestamp is required to be sent by the client.",
                "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
                "propertyName": "suppressTimestampForRequest",
                "propertyShortDesc": "If \"Yes\" is selected, no timestamp will be added to WS-Security header sent as part of the outbound request. For inbound requests with Basic Auth security policy, no timestamp is required.",
                "propertyType": "CHOICE",
                "required": "false"
                "displayName": "Ignore timestamp in the response message (Optional)",
                "hasAttachment": "false",
                "hidden": "false",
                "length": "0",
                "propertyDescription": "Property used by the client to ignore the timestamp \n in the SOAP security header when it receives the response from the service. \n If \"Yes\", then the timestamp is not required in the response \n message; if the timestamp is present, it is ignored.",
                "propertyGroup": "CONNECTION_PROPS",
                "propertyName": "ignoreTimestampInResponse",
                "propertyShortDesc": "If \"Yes\", then the timestamp is not required in the response message",
                "propertyType": "CHOICE",
                "required": "false"
        "appTypeCredProperties": [
                "displayName": "Username",
                "hasAttachment": "false",
                "hidden": "false",
                "length": "0",
                "propertyDescription": "A username credential",
                "propertyGroup": "CREDENTIALS",
                "propertyName": "username",
                "propertyType": "STRING",
                "required": "true"
                "displayName": "Password",
                "hasAttachment": "false",
                "hidden": "false",
                "length": "0",
                "propertyDescription": "A password credential",
                "propertyGroup": "CREDENTIALS",
                "propertyName": "password",
                "propertyType": "PASSWORD",
                "required": "true"
        "appTypeLargeIconUrl": "/images/soap/wssoap_92.png",
        "appTypeMediumGrayIconUrl": "/images/soap/wssoap_g_46.png",
        "appTypeMediumIconUrl": "/images/soap/wssoap_46.png",
        "appTypeMediumWhiteIconUrl": "/images/soap/wssoap_w_46.png",
        "appTypeName": "soap",
        "appTypeSmallIconUrl": "/images/soap/wssoap_32.png",
        "displayName": "SOAP",
        "features": "jcaTransportEnabled",
        "source": "PREINSTALLED",
        "supportedSecurityPolicies": "Basic Authentication, Username Password Token, No Security Policy",
        "usage": "0",
        "vedorInfo": {
            "name": "Oracle Corporation",
            "description": "",
            "contactUS": "",
            "supportURL": "",
            "documentationURL": "",
            "releaseNotes": ""
    "imageURL": "/images/soap/wssoap_w_46.png",
    "name": "Acme Weather Connection",
    "percentageComplete": "100",
    "securityPolicy": "NONE",
    "status": "CONFIGURED",
    "supportsCache": "true"
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