Update an Event Type



Updates an event type with the code and revision specified in the request URL. The request body must contain:

  • name: Defines the name of the event type.
  • code: Defines the code which is the unique identifier for the event type.
  • description: Describes the event type.
  • schema type: Type of schema associated with the event type. For example: json
  • schema: Schema associated with the event type.

If the resource creation is successful, the response header contains the Location header that includes the location URL for the new resource created.


Path Parameters
  • Event type composite identifier. The ID consists of the code and the revision separated by the | (vertical line) character. Format: code%7Crevision. Example: MY_EVENT_TYPE%7C1. When using cURL, substitute the %7C code for the vertical line.
Query Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation

400 Response

Bad request, missing required data

404 Response

Event type not found

500 Response

Server error
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