Retrieve Integration Instances



Retrieve information about integration instances for the past hour ordered by last updated time. You can perform multi-word value search using the businessIDValue, primaryValue, secondaryValue, and tertiaryValue attributes in query filter parameters. To perform multi-word searches, encapsulate the search values in double quotation marks followed by single quotation marks. For example, '"Test-instance1"', and '"Testing instance2"'. You can also search primaryValue, secondaryValue, and tertiaryValue values against the specified primaryName, secondaryName, and tertiaryName variable names.


Query Parameters
  • Limit query results to a few fields. Valid values are runId, id and all.
    • Groups results by integration name. Valid values: integration.

  • This is the name of the service instance. You can get this value from the About page where it is specified in the Service instance field.
  • Use with the offset parameter for paginating through the returned results. The limit is the maximum number of items to return at one time. For example, offset=3&limit=16 indicates to list results starting at the 4th item, and the list will contain 16 items.
  • Use with the limit parameter for paginating through the returned results. The offset is the starting point from which to return records. Default value is 0. For example, offset=3&limit=16 indicates to list results at the 4th item, and the list will contain 16 items.
  • Filter parameters.

    • timewindow: 1h, 6h, 1d, 2d, 3d, RETENTIONPERIOD. Default value is 1h. Oracle recommends to use the time window and date range values as close as possible to the required time period.
    • code: Integration identifier.
    • orderBy: Sorts by execution time, creation date, and last updated date. Valid values are lastupdateddate, creationdate, and executiontime. Default value is lastupdateddate.
    • version: Integration version.
    • minDuration: Retrieve instances that ran for a minimum duration specified in milliseconds.
    • maxDuration: Retrieve instances that ran for a maximum duration specified in milliseconds .
    • status: Status of the integration instance. Valid values are COMPLETED, FAILED and ABORTED.
    • startdate: Custom time range start date/time in UTC format for filtering instances. You can select any date within the 32 days range of Oracle Integration Instance data retention period. Oracle recommends to use the time window and date range values as close as possible to the required time period.
    • enddate: Custom time range end date/time in UTC format for filtering instances. You can select any date within the 32 days range of Oracle Integration Instance data retention period. Oracle recommends to use the time window and date range values as close as possible to the required time period.
    • primaryValue: Searches across primary variable values. To perform multi-word searches, encapsulate the search values in double quotation marks. To perform exact match searches, encapsulate the search values in square brackets followed by single quotation marks. For example, '[test-instance1]', and '[testinginstance2]'. If a variable value contains an underscore character, for example test_instance, then you must search using the complete word test_instance. Search does not show matching responses if you search using a part of the the variable value word that contains underscore character.
    • secondaryValue: Searches across secondary and tertiary variable values. To perform multi-word searches, encapsulate the search values in double quotation marks followed by single quotation marks. To perform exact match searches, encapsulate the search values in square brackets followed by single quotation marks. For example, '[test-instance1]', and '[testinginstance2]'. To search for an exact secondary tracking variable value, use the secondaryName in addition to the secondaryValue. If a variable value contains an underscore character, for example test_instance, then you must search using the complete word test_instance. Search does not show matching responses if you search using a part of the the variable value word that contains underscore character.
    • tertiaryValue: Searches across secondary and tertiary variable values. To perform multi-word searches, encapsulate the search values in double quotation marks followed by single quotation marks. To perform exact match searches, encapsulate the search values in square brackets followed by single quotation marks. For example, '[test-instance1]', and '[testinginstance2]'. To search for an exact tertiary tracking variable value, use the tertiaryName in addition to the tertiaryValue. If a variable value contains an underscore character, for example test_instance, then you must search using the complete word test_instance. Search does not show matching responses if you search using a part of the the variable value word that contains underscore character.
    • primaryName: Primary variable name.
    • secondaryName: Secondary variable name.
    • tertiaryName: Tertiary variable name.
    • businessIDValue: Searches across the primary, secondary and tertiary variables values. To perform multi-word searches, encapsulate the search values in double quotation marks followed by single quotation marks. For example, '"uyt-atz"'. To perform exact match searches, encapsulate the search values in square brackets followed by single quotation marks. For example, '[Test-instance1]', and '[Testinginstance2]'. If a variable value contains an underscore character, for example test_instance, then you must search using the complete word test_instance. Search does not show matching responses if you search using a part of the the variable value word that contains underscore character.
    • jobid: Recovery job identifier corresponding to bulk resubmission of errored integration instances.
    • runId: Run identifier of the scheduled integration instance.
    • requestId: Applies only to scheduled orchestrations. ID of the request that triggered the integration instance.
    • id: Integration instance identifier
    • instanceId: Integration instance identifier
    • includePurged: Indicates whether to fetch purged instances. Valid values are yes, no, and onlyPurged.
    • parentInstanceId: Integration instance identifier of a parent integration to search for locally invoked child integration instances.
    • projectCode: Project identifier.
    • integration-style: Integration style identifier. Valid values are appdriven/scheduled.


    {timewindow:'1h', id:'118', status:'FAILED', code:'ERROR', version:'01.00.0000', requestId:'2432', jobid:'18'}
  • Controls the response data. Valid URL parameter values are:

    • summary: Response does not contain non-primary tracking variables.
    • minimal: Response does not contain integration name and project name. When this value is specified, minimal information of the instance data is added in the response thus making the response time faster than the default API call. In this response, the attributes integrationName and projectFound are set to their default and should not be relied upon. This URL parameter is recommended if performance is preferred instead of the availability of complete instance data.
    • metadata: Response contains metadata of the instance, and integration name and project name if available. Metadata comprises of details such as instanceId, integrationId, integrationVersion, and status.
    • metadataminimal: It's functionality is the same as metadata, however the response does not include integration name and project name.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : InstancesRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : integration-items
Type: array
List of Integration Instances
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
List of Instance
Show Source
Nested Schema : Object
Type: object
Nested Schema : InstanceRs
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : activity-stream
Type: array
Activity Streams
Show Source
Nested Schema : audit-trail
Type: array
Audit Trails
Show Source
Nested Schema : trackings
Type: array
List of Trackings Data
Show Source
Nested Schema : TrackingDataRs
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Malformed parameters

500 Response

Server error
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The following examples show how to retrieve monitoring details about integration instances by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL. For more information about endpoint URL structure, see Send Requests.

Example: Get details about all integration instances

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json"

Example: Get details about all integration instances for the integration with the code SC2RNSYNC in uppercase or lowercase for the past 3 days

curl -G -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json" --data-urlencode "q={code : 'SC2RNSYNC', timewindow : '3d'}"

Example: Get details about the scheduled orchestration instance triggered by the specified request ID

Applies only to scheduled orchestrations.

curl -G -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json" --data-urlencode "q={requestId: '1234', timewindow : '3d'}"

Example: Paginate through returned results

Pagination is done with limit and offset. In this example, we list integration instances starting at the fourth item. The list contains 16 items.

curl -G -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json" -d "offset=3&limit=16"

Example: Limit results to runId field only

curl -G -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json" -d "fields=runId'"

Example: Combine Parameters

To combine query parameters, use q with the --data-urlencode option. The other parameters can be added after the -d option.

curl -G -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -H "Accept:application/json" --data-urlencode "q={code : 'SC2RNSYNC', timewindow : '3d'}" -d "offset=3&limit=16" -d "fields=id"
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