Regenerate the Updated Artifacts in an Integration

You must regenerate an integration after increasing the number of mappings. For example, assume you create a custom object with a new field in Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow). If you then add the new field in the existing mapper, which tries to update the fields, the following runtime failure occurs.

suppDetail " Fault:\n<soap-env:Fault 
Data element in the Message is 
<fault>RightNowSyncService| failed Found 
out-of-order or unrecognized node work_document_status|CO while parsing node 
of type GenericObject| NULL value is set to a 
non-nillable element RNObjects of object UpdateMsg Failed in setting value 
for element RNObjects array position 0 of object UpdateMsg NULL value is set 
to a non-nillable element Update of object Update NULL returned from the 
Update deserializer due to missing or invalid XML</fault> 
</ICSfaultVar><reason>CASDK-0033: Received a SOAP fault while invoking 
endpoint target: This 
indicates a processing exception on the service endpoint side. Please check service 
side logs to further diagnose the problem <![CDATA[ Fault Code : 
soapenv:Sender Fault String : Data element in the Message is NULL Fault 
Details : <fault>RightNowSyncService| failed 
Found out-of-order or unrecognized node work_document_status|CO while parsing 
node of type GenericObject| NULL value is set 
to a non-nillable element RNObjects of object UpdateMsg Failed in setting 
value for element RNObjects array position 0 of object UpdateMsg NULL value 
is set to a non-nillable element Update of object Update NULL returned from 
the Update deserializer due to missing or invalid XML</fault> ]]> 

Solution 1 (Most Viable) - Regenerate the Integration

  1. Open the integration in edit mode.
  2. Open the failing Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) Adapter in edit mode.
  3. Click Next on each page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard without making any changes, then click Done on the last page.

    You are prompted to update the configuration and regenerate the artifacts.

  4. Click Update.
  5. Save the integration.
  6. Activate and test the integration.

Solution 2 - Create a New Endpoint

Don't do anything with the existing mapping. Instead, create a new endpoint with the update operation and perform the required mapping.