Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Create an Automation Strategy

With Oracle Integration, you can automate any application, whether it has APIs or not. Combine your new enterprise-level perspective on automation with an automation strategy to ensure that your automation decisions are future proof.

What is an Automation Strategy?

An automation strategy specifies your overall plan for automating your organization's processes. For instance, an automation strategy might answer the following questions:

  • How do you determine the business processes to automate?
  • What analysis do you complete before and after automating a process?
  • How do you improve a business process after automating it?
  • How do you manage the life cycle of your automation?
  • How do you manage the environments where robots run?
  • When do you use API-based automation, and when do you use UI-based automation?


This guide refers to the process of creating robots and integrations as automating, whether the robots and integrations automate or digitize work. For example, an integration might send a notification email for an approval, and a person must still approve the request. Such an integration digitizes some of this work.

Sample Automation Strategy

Your automation strategy can be high level, detailed, or anywhere in between. Consider the following high-level strategy as a starting place.

  • Our organization values rapidly digitizing and automating our current business processes over replanning the processes.

  • We believe that our automation journey begins, rather than ends, when we automate and digitize our business processes.

  • We develop API-based automation when feasible and UI-based automation when necessary.

  • We strive to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our business processes by analyzing the insights that we gain from automating and digitizing them.

Expect Your Automation Strategy to Evolve

Consider a situation in which a business team has historically developed UI-based automation, while an IT team has developed API-based automation.

With Oracle Integration, when the IT team's automation requires UI-based automation, they now can build a robot. Similarly, when a business team's automation benefits from API-based automation, IT teams now can contribute to the solution. Teams can build confidently and work together in Oracle Integration, knowing that they're delivering a fast, flexible, and future-proof solution.

Whether you manage this automation work centrally within your organization or locally within teams is up to you. As you automate more and more solutions using Oracle Integration, you might find that your automation strategies and the way that you manage your automation solutions also continue to evolve.