Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Download the Robot Agent

Download and install the robot agent on every virtual machine (VM) or computer that runs a robot.

Learn More About the Robot Agent

To learn more about the robot agent, see About the Robot Agent and Specifications.

Where You Typically Download the Robot Agent

You typically download the robot agent on the following computers:

  • The work computers of the people who build robots

    If robot builders install the robot agent on their computers, they can test their robots as they build them.

  • The environments that the robots will run on for formal testing

  • The environments that the robots will run on in production

Download the Robot Agent:

  1. On the computer where you need to install the robot agent, download the ZIP file for the robot agent

    The ZIP file contains a single folder with all the files that you need. One of the files is a readme that contains a link to this page.

    1. Sign in to the Oracle Integration instance that the robot agent needs to connect to.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Agents.
    3. Select Download, then Robot Agent.

      The ZIP file is downloaded to the computer, often to the Downloads folder. The download typically takes a minute or less, though sometimes it takes a few moments for the download to begin.

  2. Extract the ZIP file to the directory of your choice on the computer.


    Do not include any spaces in the folder name, or you won't be able to install the robot agent. Additionally, Oracle recommends not including any spaces in the directory path.

    The files need to remain on the computer for as long as the robot agent runs on the computer, so choose a location carefully. For instance, don't leave the files in your Downloads folder, in case you or someone else inadvertently deletes the files in the future.