Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

About Projects

In a project, you build your automation solutions, manage their deployment, and observe them.

New to Projects?

Projects are the hubs of all your automation work and the place to go when you want to design automation solutions, including integrations and robots. Each project can focus on a specific business objective. People who are on different teams and who have different skill sets can collaborate in the project to meet the objective.

Projects provide convenient deployment and unified observability, allowing everyone to work together to build, deploy, and monitor integrations and robots.

To learn more about projects in general, see Get Started with Projects in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.

Familiar with Projects?

If you're already familiar with projects, here are some key points to know about how UI-based automation and robots work in projects:

  1. You create and manage the following components in a project:
    • Robots
    • Robot connections and robot connection types
    • Environment pools
    • Integrations that call robots
  2. When testing, you can run robots and the integrations that call robots from within a project.