Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Tailor Your Building Experience

On the canvas, several settings allow you to tailor your building experience to your preferences. Oracle Integration saves the setting selections in the local storage in your browser.

  1. Open the robot for which you want to update settings.
    1. In the navigation pane, select Projects.
    2. Select the project name.
    3. In the left toolbar, select Robot Robot.
    4. In the Robots box, select the robot to open.

      The canvas appears.

  2. In the title bar of the canvas, next to the Save button, select Action Action, and then select Settings.

    The Settings panel appears.

  3. Update the settings as needed to suit your build preferences.
    Tab Setting Description
    Modeling tab Auto create targets

    Choose whether to generate a reusable target when you identify a UI control that a robot acts upon.

    • When selected and you identify a UI control for a robot action, Oracle Integration creates a reusable target for the UI control, though you can override this setting and hard code the value. If you select the same UI control within the same robot, you can reuse the existing target, create a new target, or hard code the value.

    • When deselected, Oracle Integration hard codes the value for the UI control, though you can override this setting and create a reusable target for the robot.

    Modeling tab Auto create pre validation page states When selected, Oracle Integration creates validation for every robot action based on the field(s) that you select for the action. When the robot runs, this validation ensures that the action starts only after the fields that the robot acts on are visible. This automatic validation is only for before an action occurs. Oracle recommends leaving this setting selected.
    Editor tab

    Auto edit newly created actions in the canvas

    When selected, after you add an action or logic to a robot, the panel for specifying details opens immediately.

    Whether to leave this setting selected depends upon your workflow. For instance, if you want to enter all the settings for each action as you build a robot, leave this setting selected. However, if you'd rather add all the actions to the robot and then enter their details later, you'll save some clicks by deselecting this setting.

    Editor tab

    Auto close palette drawer after drag and drop

    When selected, after you add an action to the canvas using the Robot actions button Robot actions on the right toolbar, or after you add logic using the Flow control button Flow control, the panel for adding more actions or logic closes.

    Whether to leave this setting selected depends upon your workflow. For instance, if you want to enter all the settings for each action as you build a robot, deselect this setting. However, if you'd rather add all the actions to the robot and then enter their details later, you'll save some clicks by selecting this setting.

    Note: You typically either select or deselect both of the previous settings. That way, a panel doesn't open over another panel.

    Editor tab

    Show overview

    When selected, the overview box for the canvas appears on canvas. Select the position from the drop-down. The overview box helps you understand which part of the robot you're looking at.

    Overview box

    Editor tab Show Smart Recording splash screen When selected, the splash screen appears when you start using the recorder.
  4. Select OK.