ServiceNow Adapter Capabilities

The ServiceNow Adapter enables you to create an integration with a ServiceNow application. You can configure the ServiceNow Adapter as a trigger or invoke connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.

The ServiceNow Adapter provides the following benefits:

  • Supports connecting to private resources that are in your virtual cloud network (VCN) with a private endpoint. See Connect to Private Resources in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3 and Configure the Endpoint Access Type. This type of connection does not use the connectivity agent.
  • Enables simplified bidirectional integration with ServiceNow.
  • Supports consuming SOAP and REST API endpoints.
  • Supports all ServiceNow plugins that are activated in ServiceNow.
  • Supports receiving notifications for a selected application and module or table when a record is inserted, updated, or deleted in ServiceNow.
  • Provides support for performing the following type of operations against the selected application and modules in ServiceNow:
    • Create, Update, or Delete Information - Create, update, or delete records for/from a selected application and module.
    • Query Information - Get records or information from a selected application and module.
    • Retrieve, Upload, Download or Delete Attachment(s) - Download, retrieve, upload, or delete attachment metadata to or from a specific record in the module. In addition, you can retrieve attachment metadata of a record using the Single Attachment Metadata and Multiple Attachments Metadata operations.
  • Supports the following batch operations:
    • CRUD (Create, Update, Get, or Delete)
    • File attachment (Download, Upload, Retrieve, or Delete attachment)
  • Supports REST APIs protected using:
    • OAuth 2.0 three-legged authentication (Authorization Code Credentials)
    • OAuth 2.0 two-legged authentication (Resource Owner Password Credentials)
    • Basic authentication
  • Supports SOAP APIs protected using basic authentication.

The ServiceNow Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with Oracle Integration. See the Adapters page in the Oracle Help Center.