Trigger Fields Page

Specify the fields for which you want notification when they are inserted, updated, or deleted.

Element Description
Display Actual Fields Instead of Field Labels

Once you provide the required permissions in ServiceNow, field labels are displayed (by default) in the list. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

Select this checkbox to switch to display the actual field names instead of field labels in the list.

Note: If this checkbox is selected, the actual field names are displayed on the Conditions page also.

Filter by Field Name

Type the initial letters of the field name to filter the display of names in the list. Use the dropdown menu to narrow or widen the list of fields:

  • ALL — Shows all of the available fields

  • CUSTOM — Shows only the custom fields

  • STANDARD — Shows only the standard fields

Available Fields

Use the scrolling list to select a list of fields for which you want to receive notifications when it is inserted, updated, or deleted. These are fields contained in the application and module you selected on the Configurations page. The fields are moved to the Selected Fields list as you select them.

You can double-click on a field name or use the arrow buttons to move the field to the Selected Fields list.

Selected Fields

The list of fields you have selected.