2 Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your OCI, Twitter, and LinkedIn instances in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and share posts on socials.

Create OCI Compute Instance

Create a compute instance to install the Oracle Integration agent. See Create a Compute Instance.

Install Oracle Integration Agent on Compute Instance

Download and install the Oracle Integration agent in the compute instance you created.


Before you install the Oracle Integration agent, ensure that you create an Agent group. Refer to the same group in the OCI Streaming connection.

See Agent Download and Installation.

Create OCI Stream

Create an OCI Stream named YTPostStream. The stream must have a single-partition which is used to retrieve video-related metadata as JSON. For this recipe, we have created a default stream pool as a public endpoint. See Creating Streams.


You can choose to create a new stream pool with a private endpoint. While doing so, ensure that the Oracle Integration agent is able to connect to your stream pool.

Configure a Twitter Application

Create a Twitter application to get access to the Twitter API, which is then used to configure the Twitter adapter. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the Twitter Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.

Create a LinkedIn Application

Register an application in the LinkedIn developer console to obtain client ID and client secret, which is then used to configure the LinkedIn adapter. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the LinkedIn Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.

Create a Project in Google Cloud

Create a project in Google Cloud to connect to the YouTube APIs. See Creating and managing projects.

After creating the project, you must:

You’ll use this API key in the REST adapter configuration.