2 Before You Install the Recipe

To access OCI Vault from Oracle Integration and sign or verify messages, you’ll require to perform certain configuration tasks on OCI.

Log in to your OCI instance as an Administrator and perform the following tasks.
  1. Create an OCI Vault. See Managing Vaults.
  2. Import an external private 2048-bit RSA key. See Importing Asymmetric Keys.

    When you create a new master encryption key or key version, you can import your own key material instead of letting the OCI Vault generate the key material internally. Importing your own key is called Bring Your Own Key (BYOK).


    This recipe uses BYOK, but you can also use Oracle managed and generated master encryption keys.
  3. Get your Tenancy and User OCIDs. See Where to Get the Tenancy's OCID and User's OCID.
  4. Create your own private key or generate it from the OCI console. See How to Generate an API Signing Key.
  5. Get the key’s fingerprint. See How to Get the Key's Fingerprint.