4 Activate and Run the Recipe

After you've configured the connections and other resources, you can activate and run the recipe.

  1. In the project workspace, click Activate. In the Activate project panel, with the default project deployment selected, choose an appropriate tracing option, then click Activate.

    A message confirms that the integration has been activated. Refresh the page to view the updated status of the integration.

  2. Update property values for both the scheduled integration flows (Oracle Primavera AWS SQS ProjectSync and AWS SQS PostgreSQL DB ProjectSync). You can update the integration properties only after activating the integration flows.
    1. In the Integrations section of the project workspace, click Actions Actions icon on the integration flow, then select Update property values.
    2. In the Update property values panel, update the following integration properties with appropriate values.
      • ToEmail: This integration property holds the email address to which error notifications are sent. Enter an email address of your choice.
      • RetryCount: This integration property holds the number of attempts made in case of errors. This could be due to network glitch or any other connectivity issues.
    3. Click Submit.
      A message confirms that the integration properties have been updated successfully.
  3. Run the Oracle Primavera AWS SQS ProjectSync integration flow to extract project details from Oracle Primavera Cloud.
    1. In the Integrations section of the project workspace, click Actions Actions icon on the Oracle Primavera AWS SQS ProjectSync integration flow, then select Run.
      The Configure and run page is displayed, where you can specify a value for the project id (available projects in Oracle Primavera Cloud to be extracted) in the schedule parameter.
    2. On the Configure and run page, click Run.

      You've now successfully submitted the integration for execution. The recipe now extracts the project details from Oracle Primavera Cloud and publishes the same to Amazon SQS.


      You can also schedule this integration to run at a date, time, and frequency of your choosing. See Define the Integration Schedule.
  4. Run the AWS SQS PostgreSQL DB ProjectSync integration flow to consume the messages from Amazon SQS and update PostgreSQL.
    1. In the Integrations section of the project workspace, click Actions Actions icon on the AWS SQS PostgreSQL DB ProjectSync integration flow, then select Run.
    2. On the Configure and run page, click Run.
      You’ve now successfully submitted the integration for execution. The recipe now consumes messages from Amazon SQS and updates PostgreSQL.


      You can also schedule this integration to run at a date, time, and frequency of your choosing. See Define the Integration Schedule.
  5. Monitor the running of the integration flows in Oracle Integration.
    1. In the project workspace, click Observe. You'll see the integration flow being triggered and running successfully.
    2. To manage errors in your project, see Manage Errors in a Project.
  6. Log in to your PostgreSQL instance and check if the project details are populated in the database table.
    1. In the left navigation pane, right-click the primavera_projects_tab table.
    2. Select View/Edit Data.
    3. Click All Rows.