3 Install and Configure the Recipe

On your Oracle Integration instance, install the recipe to deploy and configure the integration and associated resources.

  1. On the Oracle Integration Home page, in the Use a recipe/accelerator section, click View all.
  2. Find the recipe you want to install, then click Get.

    A message confirms that the recipe was successfully installed, and the recipe card shows In use.

  3. Click Configure Configure icon on the recipe to configure its resources.

    The project workspace opens, displaying all the resources of the recipe. Configure the following resources before you activate and run the recipe.

Configure the Oracle Unity Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Oracle Unity URL field, enter the URL for connecting to Oracle Unity. For example, https://XXXXXX.cxunity.ocs.oraclecloud.com.

    The URL is provided when you subscribe to Oracle Unity.

  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Resource Owner Password Credentials.
    Access Token URI

    Enter the authorization server that generates the access token:

    Client ID Enter the unique random string that matches the API console project. See Configure Oracle Unity.
    Client Secret Enter the unique random string that matches the API console project.
    Username Enter the Oracle Identity Cloud Service username of the OAuth token request.
    Password Enter the Oracle Identity Cloud Service password of the OAuth token request.
    Scope Enter the list of authorization permissions for the target application. For example, read write.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  6. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  7. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Oracle FTP Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    FTP Server Host Address Enter the host address of your sFTP server.
    FTP Server Port Enter 22.
    SFTP Connection Select Yes from the list.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select FTP Server Access Policy.
    User Name Enter the user name to connect to your sFTP server.
    Password Enter the password to connect to your sFTP server.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Oracle REST SFMC Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Connection Type Select REST API Base URL.
    Connection URL Paste the URL without trailing (/) copied from Salesforce Marketing Cloud. See Configure Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select OAuth Custom Two-Legged Flow.
    Access Token Request

    Enter the client id, client secret, account id and auth url copied from Salesforce Marketing Cloud in the below format. Append v2/token in the auth url. To generate client id and secret, see Configure Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

    -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{ "grant_type": "client_credentials", "client_id": "<client id>", "client_secret": "<client secret>", "account_id": "<account id>" }' 'https://mc4nwk3rs1n1tm8lm4qgd1g448hm.auth.marketingcloudapis.com/v2/token'
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Oracle SOAP SFMC Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the SOAP WSDL URL in the WSDL URL field. See Configure Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Username Password Token.

    Enter the Username. See Configure Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

    Password Enter the Password.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Oracle REST OIC Invoke Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Connection Type Select REST API Base URL.
    Connection URL Paste the URL of the Oracle Integration instance in the below format.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Basic Authentication.
    Username Enter the Username of the Oracle Integration instance.
    Password Enter the Password of the Oracle Integration instance.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Oracle REST OIC Trigger Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Security section, select the Security Policy as OAuth 2.0 Or Basic Authentication.
  3. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  4. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  5. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Lookup Tables

The recipe contains the following four lookup tables. Edit the lookup tables to enter appropriate values for the lookup keys.

  • ORACLE-BRT-UNITY_SFMC_PROPERTIES: Used to configure the FTP file details in which the customer segments are stored.

    Key Description Example
    FileDirectory Stores the location of the FTP file directory that has the customer segments. /home/users/org-name /customers/inbound
    RetryCount Stores the number of retries when a transient error occurs. 3
    ArchiveEnabled Stores the flag to identify if the file must be archived after being processed successfully. Y
    ArchiveDirectory Stores the location of the FTP directory that stores the archived files with customer segments. /home/users/org-name /customers/archive
    CustomerDataExtensionKey Stores the ID of customer data extension in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. It is a unique value that identifies the data extension and is used to identify the data extension with an API call. 5C2EF345-4A12-405C-BDCE-BE358139DC44
    SFMCPageSize Stores the ideal pagination value for the Oracle FTP SFMC DataExtension Import integration. 250
    EmailFrom_Success Stores the email address from which a message is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is successful. no-reply@company.com
    EmailTo_Success Stores the email address to which a message is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is successful. xyz@company.com
    EmailSubject_Success Stores the subject of the email that is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is successful. Unity to SFMC Customer Import Successful
    EmailFrom_Failure Stores the email address from which a message is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is unsuccessful. no-reply@company.com
    EmailTo_Failure Stores the email address to which a message is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is unsuccessful. xyz@company.com
    EmailSubject_Failure Stores the subject of the email that is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is unsuccessful. Unity to SFMC Customer Import Failure
    MaxFileCount Stores the maximum number of files that can be processed in one instance. Ensure that the processing time doesn’t exceed six hours limit for a scheduled instance. The maximum possible value is 100. 100

    Stores the maximum number of instances that a run can span across in case the processing is not completed in one instance.


    Ensure that processing is complete before next scheduled run.
    ClearBeforeImport Stores the flag to identify if recipe clears the old data before importing the new data in the customer import data extension. Y
    CustomerSegmentName Stores the Customer Segment Name. Unity_SFMC_MasterCustomer
    UnityTenantId Stores the Unity Tenant Id. 100046
  • ORACLE-BRT-SFMC_UNITY_PROPERTIES: Used to configure the data extension that stores the campaign results in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

    Key Description Example
    ResultsDataExtensionKey Stores the external key of the results data extension in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This value is passed in the Automation Setup integration. ResultsDataExtensionName
    ResultsDataExtensionName Stores the name of the results data extension in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This value is passed in the Automation Setup integration. Unity_CampaignResults_DE
    MarketingMedium Stores the medium of the marketing campaign. Email
    MarkeingSource Stores the source application of the marketing campaign. Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    EmailFrom_Success Stores the email address from which a message is sent whenever the campaign results import from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Oracle Unity is successful. no-reply@company.com
    EmailTo_Success Stores the email address to which a message is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is successful. xyz@company.com
    EmailSubject_Success Stores the subject of the email that is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is successful. Unity to SFMC Customer Import Successful
    EmailFrom_Failure Stores the email address from which a message is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is unsuccessful. no-reply@company.com
    EmailTo_Failure Stores the email address to which a message is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is unsuccessful. xyz@company.com
    EmailSubject_Failure Stores the subject of the email that is sent whenever the customer import from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud is unsuccessful. Unity to SFMC Customer Import Failure
    UnityPageSize Stores the maximum number of records that can be passed to Oracle Unity in an invoke request. 500

    Stores the maximum number of retries in case Oracle Unity invoke request fails.

    MaxIterationCount Stores the maximum number of Salesforce Marketing Cloud iterations with an iteration size of 2500 records. Ensure that the processing time doesn’t exceed six hours limit for a scheduled instance. 100

    Stores the maximum number of instances that a run can span across in case the processing is incomplete in one instance.


    Ensure that the processing gets completed before next scheduled run.
  • ORACLE-BRT-SFMC_UNITY_EVENT_TYPE: Represents the mapping between event types in the instances. For instance, SentEvent is mapped with Sent.

    Event Type in Salesforce Marketing Cloud Event Type in Oracle Unity
    SentEvent Sent
    OpenEvent Opened
    ClickEvent Clicked
    BounceEvent Bounced
  • ORACLE-BRT-SFMC_UNITY_MONTH_OF_YEAR: Used to map the calendar months between the instances.

  1. In the Lookups section, click the lookup name.
  2. Edit the lookup table as necessary.
  3. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  4. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.