Consume Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Web Services with the SOAP Adapter

If you attempt to consume an Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition web service with the SOAP Adapter, you can receive the following error when testing your connection if you directly entered your WSDL file in the WSDL URL field on the SOAP Adapter Connections page.

Unable to test connection "connection_name". [Cause: CASDK-0009]
CASDK-0009 : Unable to parse the resource.
https://host/productZone/soap?ServiceName=CandidateService&wsdl, Error accessing the URL:
https://host/productZone/soap?ServiceName=CandidateService&wsdl - received
HTTP Response Code: 401. Verify that WSDL URL as well as the imported schemas
within the WSDL are reachable, WSDL is valid and credentials if required are
accurate Error accessing the URL:
https://host/productZone/soap?ServiceName=CandidateService&wsdl - received
HTTP Response Code: 401
Error accessing the URL:
https://host/productZone/soap?ServiceName=CandidateService&wsdl - received
HTTP Response Code: 401 

This error occurs for both the Basic Authentication and Username Password Token security policies on the SOAP Adapter Connections page.

To avoid this error, upload your WSDL in the WSDL URL field with the Upload button on the the SOAP Adapter Connections page.
Upload button of the WSDL URL field

This action is required because:

  • The Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition WSDL is protected, and SOAP doesn't support protected WSDLs.
  • The WSDL includes a cross reference for a schema whose import must be manually updated.