Add a Connection to a Component Exchange

When an instance is integrated with a component exchange, all developers using the instance can access and install components stored there.

After an exchange is added to the instance, all developers can use the Components tab in the Navigator to install and manage the components from the exchange that they want to use in their applications. When creating an application in the Create Application wizard, developers can also select any of the application templates that have been published to the exchange.

To add a connection to the Component Exchange:

  1. Open the instance’s Tenant Settings page.
  2. In the Component Exchange panel, enter the URL for the component exchange, then click Set Credentials.
  3. In the Component Exchange Credentials dialog box, enter the username and password for the user whose credentials will be used to authenticate access to the Component Exchange. Click Save.

    Description of admin-settings-componentexchange.png follows
    Description of the illustration admin-settings-componentexchange.png

    If you are adding a connection to a private component exchange, it is recommended that the credentials you provide are for an administrator who is a member of the VB Studio project hosting the exchange or the project owner.