Create a Child Backend

You can create child backends to extend the functionality provided by the top-level Oracle Cloud Applications or custom backend registered to your Visual Builder instance.

Let's say your instance's Oracle Cloud Applications backend connects to an Oracle Cloud Applications instance that provides access to these service catalogs: Enterprise Resource Planning Supply Chain, Sales and Service, and Human Capital Management. Now if you want to access another catalog (say, Search), you can create a child backend to access the search service.

A child backend inherits the parent backend's definition, which you can override as required. Its server URL is derived from the top-level backend, with vb-catalog://backends/ as the base URL. Continuing the Oracle Cloud Applications example, the Sales and Service child backend adds to the top-level Oracle Cloud Applications backend and has vb-catalog://backends/fa/crmRestApi/resources as its server URL.

Child backends can be created only for the Oracle Cloud Applications backend and custom backends that use a OpenAPI/Swagger service specification.

  • To create a child backend for the Oracle Cloud Applications backend:
    1. Open the instance’s Tenant Settings page.
    2. In the Services tab, click the + sign for the top-level Oracle Cloud Applications backend:
    3. Select Custom ADF Describe to create a backend with an ADF Describe URL. For backends not having a Describe URL, select Custom.
    4. Enter a name and description for the child backend. Optionally, add static headers.
    5. Click Next.
    6. Enter the instance URL for the child backend (for example, vb-catalog://backends/fa/applcoreApi/search/). The child backend's URL will usually start with vb-catalog://backends/oracle-cloud-app-BackendId.


      To see the complete URL that the backend resolves to, click the Detach icon (Detach icon).
    7. Enter other settings, such as security and headers.
    8. Click Create.
  • To create a child backend for a top-level custom backend:
    1. Open the instance’s Tenant Settings page.
    2. In the Services tab, click the + sign for a top-level custom backend:
    3. Enter a name and description for the child backend. Optionally, add static headers.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Enter the instance URL for the child backend (for example, vb-catalog://backends/demo/newdemo). You can click the Detach icon to see the complete URL that the backend resolves to.
    6. Enter other settings, such as security and headers.
    7. Click Create.