Specify Options of Non-multitasks

You can specify task options in the configurations for specific tasks.

When specifying a task's options, you want to make sure that the options are applied only to the specific task. For example, specifying --url and --username options in the command line will override options specified in the vb-deploy configuration.

To specify task options in Gruntfile.js:

  1. Open Gruntfile.js.
  2. Enter the options for the task.

    For example, to override the URL and credentials parameters for the vb-deploy task in order to deploy to an instance other than where the sources were processed, your edited Gruntfile.js might be similar to the following:

    module.exports = (grunt) => {
       'vb-deploy: {
           options: {
               url: 'my production instance URL',
               username: 'production instance username',