Add a Login Action

The Login action launches the URL specified by the Security Provider configuration. It invokes the handleLogin function on the Security Provider with this action's Return Path property (path of the root page or flow to go to after a successful login).

If the login was successful and the Return Path property was specified, the page specified by Return Path is launched. If the Return Path property wasn't specified, the application's default page is launched.

To use a Login action:

  1. Add the action in one of three ways, depending on your preference and where you want it added:
    • Drag the action from the Actions palette onto the canvas, dropping the action either at the bottom edge of the action it is to follow, or at the top edge of the action it is to precede.
    • Double-click the action in the Actions palette to add it to an empty canvas or to the end of an action chain.
    • On the canvas, select the action you want the new action to follow, then double-click the new action in the Actions palette.

  2. Update the ID property in the Properties pane to make the action more identifiable, and optionally, enter a description for the action.
  3. For Return Path, select the root page to go to when the login is successful, or click the Create link to create a new root page through the Create Root Page wizard.

For API information about this action, see Login in the Oracle Visual Builder Page Model Reference.