Invoke Basic Info Page

Specify a name, description, and operation type on the Basic Info page of each invoke connection in your integration.

Element Description
What do you want to call your endpoint?

Provide a meaningful name so that others can understand the connection. For example, if you are creating a database connection for adding new employee data, you may want to name it CreateEmployeeInDB. You can include English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and dashes in the name. You cannot include the following:

  • Blank spaces (for example, My DB Connection)
  • Special characters (for example, #;83& or righ(t)now4)
  • Multibyte characters
What does this endpoint do?

Enter an optional description of the connection’s responsibilities.

Select Business Object

Select a business object. The supported business objects are:

  • Accounts
  • Catalog
  • Credit Memos
  • Fulfillments
  • Invoices
  • Orders
  • Order Line Items
  • Payments
  • Payment Gateways
  • Payment Methods
  • Payment Gateway Reconciliation
  • Product Rate Plans
  • Product Rate Plan Charge
  • Refunds
  • Taxation Items

Select an action to perform for the selected business object, such as Create an order, Cancel a payment, Delete a fulfillment, Update an account, Retrieve a refund part, List all products, Post invoices, and so on.

The actions/operations available for selection are based on the business object selected.