Database Service Names for Autonomous Transaction Processing and Autonomous JSON Database

Describes the available service names for connecting to Autonomous Database instance with a Transaction Processing, JSON, or APEX workload type.

The available service names for connections to an Autonomous Database instance with one of: Transaction Processing, JSON, or APEX workload type are in the format:

  • databasename_tpurgent

  • databasename_tp

  • databasename_high

  • databasename_medium

  • databasename_low

These services map to the TPURGENT, TP, HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW consumer groups.

For example, if you create an Autonomous Database with a Transaction Processing workload type and specify the database name as DB2024, your connection service names are:

  • db2024_tpurgent

  • db2024_tp

  • db2024_high

  • db2024_medium

  • db2024_low

If you connect using the db2024_tp service, the connection uses the TP consumer group.

The basic characteristics of these consumer groups are:

  • TPURGENT: The highest priority application connection service for time critical transaction processing operations. This connection service supports manual parallelism.

  • TP: A typical application connection service for transaction processing operations. This connection service does not run with parallelism.

  • HIGH: A high priority application connection service for reporting and batch operations. All operations run in parallel and are subject to queuing.

  • MEDIUM: A typical application connection service for reporting and batch operations. All operations run in parallel and are subject to queuing.

    Picking one of the predefined services provides concurrency values that work well for most applications. In cases where selecting one of the default services does not meet your application’s performance needs, you can use the MEDIUM service and modify the concurrency limit. For example, when you run single-user benchmarks, you can set the concurrency limit of the MEDIUM service to 1 in order to obtain the highest degree of parallelism (DOP).

    Depending on your compute model, ECPU or OCPU, see the following for more information.

  • LOW: A lowest priority application connection service for reporting or batch processing operations. This connection service does not run with parallelism.


After connecting to the database using one service, do not attempt to manually switch that connection to a different service by simply changing the consumer group of the connection. When you connect using a service, Autonomous Database performs more actions to configure the connection than just setting its consumer group. You can use the procedure CS_SESSION.SWITCH_SERVICE to switch to a different service.

See SWITCH_SERVICE Procedure for more information.