Configure Attributes for the APEX Graph Visualization Plug-in

Learn how to customize your graph visualization using the Graph Visualization plug-in attributes in your APEX application.

You can configure the attributes for the plug-in component in the Attributes tab (Property Editor) on the right pane of the Page Designer.

Description of apex_plugin_attr.png follows
Description of the illustration apex_plugin_attr.png

See the Interface page in Graph JavaScript API Reference for Property Graph Visualization which describes the interface mapping for the plugin attributes.

The attributes are grouped as per their scope in the following panels:


Attribute Description
Page Size Specify the number of vertices and edges to be displayed per page.
Settings Specify the graph settings in JSON format. See Settings for more information.
SQL Query supports Pagination Switch on this toggle if you are implementing the paginate interface.


Attribute Description
Layout Specify the graph layout.
Group Edges Switch on this toggle to group edges.
Vertex Label Specify the property to be used for the vertex label.
Edge Label Specify the property to be used for the edge label.
Maximum Label Length Specify the maximum length of the label.
Display Modes Select this checkbox to display the modes panel with the following options:
  • Select:
  • Fit to Screen
  • Toggles Sticky Mode
Display Exploration Select this checkbox to display the following graph exploration actions:
  • Drop - Delete selected vertices
  • Group - Group selected vertices
  • Ungroup - Ungroup selected vertices
  • Undo last action
  • Redo last action
  • Reset the visualization to its default state
Styles Specify the styles configuration in JSON format. See Styles for more information.


Attribute Description
Expand To expand a selected vertex in the graph visualization, see Expand for more information.
FetchActions To retrieve the graph actions from a data source, refer to fetchActions for more information.
Persist To persist the graph actions to a data source, refer to persist for more information.