Create Fixed Dynamic Forms

Fixed dynamic forms use values that are hard-coded in the paragraph code to generate the dynamic form.

On execution, the placeholders in the code will be replaced with the custom user input in the respective input fields.

Because each programming language has its own protected characters and keywords, the placeholder-syntax can start with a different escape-character: for example, ${my-form-info} or @{my-form-info}

The following input fields are currently supported:

  • Textbox: Offers simple user input that accepts any characters. For example:

    My name is ${textbox(Title of textbox)=Data Studio}
    • The name of the user input can be defined using ${name}.
    • A customized label can be specified using ${name (myLabel)}.
    • A default value can be assigned using the equals (=) operator. For example: ${name(my personalized label)=Rob} or ${name=Bob}
  • Select: Allows the user to choose from a specified collection. For example:

    Country: ${country=US,US(United States)|UK|JP}
    • The name, label, and default values can be specified similarly to a textbox.
    • The selection options are separated by the | character.
    • The label of an option can be specified in parentheses following the option For example: US(United States)
  • Slider: Allows the user to choose within a specified range. For example:

    My age is: ${slider(18.0,30.0,5.0):My Age=25.0}
    • The default value can be specified similarly to a textbox. In this example, the specified default value is 25.0
    • After the keyword slider, the values in brackets specify the min, max, and step-size values. In this example, min = 18.0, max = 30.0, and step-size = 5.0.
    • The label of can be specified in brackets following the name. For example: ${slider:name(My Label)}
  • Checkbox: Allows the user to choose one or more specified values. For example:

    ${checkbox( or ):country(Country)=US|JP, US(United States)|UK|JP}
    • The default value can be specified similarly to a textbox.
    • Options follow the comma (,) after the default assignment country=US,US|JP|UK and are separated using the | character.
    • The name of the checkbox can be assigned using a colon (:) after the checkbox keyword.
    • The label can be specified in brackets following the name. For example: ${checkbox:name(My Label)}.
  • Date Picker: Allows the user to choose a date. For example:

    • The default value can be specified similarly to a textbox.
    • After the keyword date, the value in brackets specifies the output-format, such as date(EEEE) (such as Sunday) or date(YYYY-MM-dd) (such as 2019-12-24).
    • The name of the date-picker can be assigned using a colon (:) after the date keyword.
    • The label can be specified in brackets following the name. For example: ${date:name(My Label)}.
  • Time Picker: Allows the user to choose a time. For example:

    • The default value can be specified similarly to a textbox.
    • After the keyword time, the value in brackets specifies the output-format, such as time(hh:mm).
    • The name of the time-picker can be assigned using a colon (:) after the time keyword.
    • The label can be specified in brackets following the name. For example: ${time:name(My Label)}.
  • DateTime Picker: Allows the user to choose one or more specified values. For example:

    ${dateTime(YYYY-M-dd hh:mm:ss):myName(my-label)=1995-06-15T09:00:00}
    • The default value can be specified similarly to a textbox.
    • After the keyword dateTime, the value in brackets specifies the output-format, such as dateTime(YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm) (such as 2019-12-24 13:37).
    • The name of the time-picker can be assigned using a colon (:) after the time keyword.
    • The label can be specified in brackets following the name. For example: ${time:name(My Label)}.