Example Notebooks

Graph Studio includes a set of examples.

You can find these examples in the Notebooks section.

  • Getting Started: BANK_GRAPH
  • Getting Started: Intro to PGQL using the SH property graph
  • Getting Started: PGQL Basics
  • Getting Started: SPARQL Introduction
  • Getting Started: Using the built-in notebooks
  • Use Cases: Graph Queries on the SH sample data
  • Use Cases: Meetup Recommendation

Each of these notebooks contains a set of Markdown paragraphs that explain each step of the example.

Each example notebook is ready to execute but read-only by default, so that they remain unchanged for other users of Graph Studio. To remove the read-only state, first create a private copy of the notebook by clicking Clone at the top of the example notebook.

After the private copy has been created, click Unlock to remove its read-only state.

After the private copy is unlocked, you can run each paragraph one-by-one by clicking Run.