About Graph Data Support in Autonomous Database

All Oracle Database releases support both the Property graph and the RDF graph features that offer powerful graph support to explore and discover complex relationships in data sets. This applies to all databases in the cloud and on-premises environments.

Property Graph Support

Property graph support provides you a different way to look at your data. You can model your data as a graph by making data entities vertices in the graph, and relationships between them as edges in the graph. For example, in a banking scenario, customer accounts can be vertices, and cash transfer relationships between them can be edges.

When you view your data as a graph, you can analyze your data based on the connections and relationships between them. You can run on dozens of graph analysis algorithms, like PageRank, to measure the relative importance of data entities based on the relationships between them, for example, links between web pages.

For more information about property graph support in Oracle Database, see Property Graph Support Overview in Oracle Database Graph Developer's Guide for Property Graph.

For a quick start with Oracle Database property graph features, see the topic Quick Starts for Using Oracle Property Graph.

RDF Graph Support

RDF graphs conform to a set of W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium) standards. The RDF graph support in Oracle Database is well suited for knowledge graphs and data integration applications because URIs provide globally unique identifiers and the simple, schemaless triple structure makes it very easy to combine data from several different RDF graphs into a single graph.

You can query and analyze your RDF graph using SPARQL query language.

For more information about RDF graph support in Oracle Database, see RDF Graph Overview in Oracle Database Graph Developer's Guide for RDF Graph.

For a quick start with Oracle Database RDF graph features, see the topic Quick Start for Using Semantic Data.