Inspect a Job

You can inspect (that is, preview) a job.

The Jobs page provides features to review the current status, progress logs and outputs of the existing jobs in Graph Studio.

To inspect the details of a job:

  1. Click Jobs on the left navigation menu and navigate to the Jobs page.
  2. Select the desired job on the Jobs page.

    The details section of the Jobs page shows information about the job.

    For example, a Graph Creation job will show the name of the job along with the graph name, the creator, and the associated data tables. Note that a running job displays the start date and elapsed time of the job execution. When a job execution finishes due to a success, failure, or cancellation, the details section will include the ending time of the job execution.

    Description of inspect_jobs.png follows
    Description of the illustration inspect_jobs.png

    In addition, you can inspect the progress output, which includes the list of processed, queued, and failed entities or tasks. For a running job, the status of the job includes the progress percentage.

    The Jobs page refreshes automatically without the need to manually refresh the page via the browser. In addition, older, successful jobs get deleted automatically from the list. Failed jobs stay for further inspection until explicitly deleted.