Move a Notebook

You can move a notebook to another directory in Graph Studio.

Notebooks can be moved from:
  • the notebooks main workspace in to a directory or conversely
  • one directory to another

The following are the steps to move a notebook:

  1. Navigate to the Notebooks page.
  2. Click to open the notebook you want to move.
  3. Click the modify_notebook_icon Modify Notebook icon on the notebook toolbar at the top of the page.
    The window to modify the notebook details opens.
  4. Enter a Name with the new directory path as required. This path determines the destination directory where you want to move the notebook.


    Notebooks can be organized into a directory hierarchy. To create a new directory or to add or to move a notebook to a directory, simply give the notebook a name with slashes to indicate the directory structure.

    For example, the notebook name dir1/dir2/MyNotebook will create a notebook named MyNotebook inside a directory dir2, which is inside a root directory dir1.
  5. Optionally, enter the Description and the Tags.
  6. Click Save.
    The notebook is moved to the destination directory.