View Details of an Exadata Infrastructure Resource

You view the details of an Exadata Infrastructure resource by going to its Details page.

Required IAM Policies

inspect cloud-exadata-infrastructures


  1. Go to Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

    For instructions, see Access Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  2. In the side menu’s list of Autonomous Database resource types, click Exadata Infrastructure.

    The list of Exadata Infrastructure resources in your current Compartment is displayed.

  3. In the side menu’s Compartment list, choose the Compartment where you want to create an Exadata Infrastructure resource.

    The list of Exadata Infrastructure resources refreshes to show those in the selected Compartment.

  4. Click the name of the Exadata Infrastructure resource whose details you want to view.

    The Details page for the chosen Exadata Infrastructure resource is displayed.

Features of the Details Page

You can perform a variety of actions on the Details page for an Exadata Infrastructure resource.
Action Steps
View or copy the resource's OCID On the Exadata Infrastructure Information tab, click Show or Copy in the OCID field.
Edit the resource's maintenance schedule On the Exadata Infrastructure Information tab, click Edit in the Maintenance Schedule field.
View upcoming and past maintenance On the Exadata Infrastructure Information tab, click View in the Next Maintenance field.

A list of upcoming planned maintenance activities, if any, is displayed. To view past maintenance activities, click Maintenance History in the side menu.

Scale up the resource Click Scale Infrastructure and enter new values for Database Servers and/or Storage Servers choosing the appropriate option. Then, click Scale.

You can only enter a value that is greater than the current value of the database or storage servers for the Exadata Infrastructure resource.


You can not scale an Exadata Infrastructure resource with an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster created in it.
Add tags to the resource Click Add Tags.
Move the resource to a different compartment Click Move Resource and choose the new compartment for the Exadata Infrastructure resource.
Terminate the resource Click Terminate and follow the instructions given in Terminate an Exadata Infrastructure Resource.
Update the display name Click Update Display Name. Enter the new and current display names, and click Update Display Name.
View the tags applied to the resource Click the Tags tab.

At the bottom of the page, a list of Autonomous Exadata VM Clusters in the selected Compartment that use the chosen Exadata Infrastructure resource is displayed. Using this list you can perform a variety of actions.

Action Steps
Create an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Click Create Autonomous VM Cluster and follow the instructions in Create an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.
View details of a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster(s), click the name of the one whose details you want to view.
Move a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster to a different compartment In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster(s), click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to move to a different compartment, and click Move Resource.
Add tags to a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster(s), click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to apply tags to and then click Add Tags.
Copy the OCID of a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster(s), click the Actions menu in the row of the one whose OCID you want to copy and then click Copy OCID. The OCID is copied to your clipboard and the menu item changes to Copied.
Terminate a listed Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster In the list of Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster(s), click the Actions menu in the row of the one you want to terminate and then click Terminate. Then, follow the instructions given in Terminate an Exadata Infrastructure Resource.