Spatial Diagnostics Using OLS

The first step in spatial modeling is to do some spatial diagnostics, such as analyzing multicollinearity, normal distribution bias, spatial heterogeneity, and spatial dependence. You can do this using the Ordinary Least Squre (OLS) model.

The OLS algorithm fits a line that minimizes the Mean Squared Error (MSE) from the training set to predict new values. The formula of the ordinary linear regression is given as shown:

In the preceding formula:α is the intercept or constant parameter, β is a vector of parameters that give us information about to what extent each variable is related to the target variable y and εi represents the error. The goal when training an OLS model is to estimate the parameters α and β to predict values of y for new values of X.

The OLSRegressor class in Spatial AI adds the spatial_weights_definition parameter in the general OLS model, which allows you to get spatial statistics after training the model. These statistics help identify the presence of spatial dependence or spatial heterogeneity and determine if another algorithm is required. So OLSRegressor intends to help user diagnose the data to see if there are any special spatial relationships, which in turn helps decide which spatial regression algorithm to use for the specific task. See Metrics for Spatial Regression for more information on the statistics.

The following table describes the main methods of the OLSRegressor class.

Method Description
fit Trains the OLS model from the given training data and obtains spatial statistics if the spatial_weights_definition parameter is specified.
predict Uses the trained parameters to estimate the target variable of the given data.
fit_predict Calls the fit and predict methods sequentially with the training data.
score The R-squared statistic for the given data.

See the OLSRegressor class in Python API Reference for Oracle Spatial AI for more information.

The following example uses the block_groups SpatialDataFrame and creates an OLS model defining the spatial_weights_definition parameter. After training the model, it calls the predict and score methods. Finally, the program prints a summary of the model containing the spatial statistics.

from oraclesai.preprocessing import spatial_train_test_split 
from oraclesai.regression import OLSRegressor 
from oraclesai.weights import KNNWeightsDefinition 

# Define the training and test set. 
X = block_groups[["MEDIAN_INCOME", "MEAN_AGE", "HOUSE_VALUE", "INTERNET", "geometry"]] 
X_train, X_test, _, _, _, _ = spatial_train_test_split(X, y="MEDIAN_INCOME", test_size=0.2) 

# Create the OLSRegressor defining the spatial_weights 
spatial_ols_model = OLSRegressor(KNNWeightsDefinition(k=10)) 

# Train the model and specify the target variable, "MEDIAN_INCOME") 

# Print the predictions of the test set 
ols_predictions_test = spatial_ols_model.predict(X_test.drop(["MEDIAN_INCOME"])).flatten() 
print(f"\n>> predictions (X_test):\n {ols_predictions_test[:10]}") 

# Print the R-squared score of the test set 
ols_r2_score = spatial_ols_model.score(X_test, y="MEDIAN_INCOME") 
print(f"\n>> r2_score (X_test):\n {ols_r2_score}") 

# Prints a summary of the model 

The program output includes the following:

  • The predict method returns the estimated values of the target variable over the test set.
  • The score method returns the R-squared metric of the model from the test set.
  • The summary property provides multiple statistics and the parameters associated with each explanatory variable. Also, it includes spatial statistics based on the spatial_weights_definition parameter.
>> predictions (X_test):
 [84333.95556955 88819.9988673  52445.40662329 66192.50638257
 66613.63752196 53802.16810985 65151.54020825 29424.26087764
 37296.49147829 85676.22038382]

>> r2_score (X_test):
Data set            :     unknown
Weights matrix      :     unknown
Dependent Variable  :     dep_var                Number of Observations:        2750
Mean dependent var  :  70051.6531                Number of Variables   :           4
S.D. dependent var  :  40235.8666                Degrees of Freedom    :        2746
R-squared           :      0.6385
Adjusted R-squared  :      0.6381
Sum squared residual:1608810557754.003                F-statistic           :   1616.7374
Sigma-square        :585874201.658                Prob(F-statistic)     :           0
S.E. of regression  :   24204.838                Log likelihood        :  -31659.426
Sigma-square ML     :585022021.001                Akaike info criterion :   63326.852
S.E of regression ML:  24187.2285                Schwarz criterion     :   63350.529

            Variable     Coefficient       Std.Error     t-Statistic     Probability
            CONSTANT    -61472.5132881    3718.3646558     -16.5321368       0.0000000
            MEAN_AGE     798.8367637      94.5268152       8.4509011       0.0000000
         HOUSE_VALUE       0.0558167       0.0014696      37.9805274       0.0000000
            INTERNET    85961.1765144    3867.7192944      22.2252883       0.0000000


TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Jarque-Bera                       2         955.683           0.0000

TEST                             DF        VALUE           PROB
Breusch-Pagan test                3        1198.122           0.0000
Koenker-Bassett test              3         526.447           0.0000

TEST                           MI/DF       VALUE           PROB
Moran's I (error)              0.2395        29.493           0.0000
Lagrange Multiplier (lag)         1         426.035           0.0000
Robust LM (lag)                   1           4.674           0.0306
Lagrange Multiplier (error)       1         854.940           0.0000
Robust LM (error)                 1         433.579           0.0000
Lagrange Multiplier (SARMA)       2         859.614           0.0000

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