
write(gdf: GeoDataFrame, dataset: SpatialDataset, include_index=False, if_exists='fail', create_spatial_metadata=True, create_spatial_index=False)

Write the content from an existing GeoDataFrame to the destination defined by the dataset parameter.

  • gdf – a geopandas GeoDataFrame

  • dataset – an instance of SpatialDataset. Depending on the specific implementation of this parameter, the geodataframe will be stored as a file in a local file system, object storage or as a table in Oracle database.

  • include_index – If True, the GeoDataFrame index column(s) will be written.

  • if_exists – A string value that specifies the action when the dataset already exists. Possible values are: fail, replace, and append. Default value is fail. Value append only is used in database datasets.

  • create_spatial_metadata – If True and the dataset is a database table, geometry metadata info will be created.

  • create_spatial_index – If true and the dataset is a database table, a spatial index will be created for the GeoDataFrame geometry.