Manage Administrator and TDE Wallet Passwords

This article describes the administrative tasks for updating the administrator and TDE wallet passwords of a database in the DB system.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Select Oracle Database, then select Oracle Base Database.
  2. Choose your Compartment. A list of DB systems is displayed.
  3. In the list of DB systems, click the name of the DB system with the database you want to administer.
  4. The details of the DB system followed by a list of databases are displayed.
  5. In the list of databases, click the name of the database you want to administer.
  6. On the Database Details page, click More actions, then Manage passwords.
  7. In the Manage passwords dialog, click Update administrator password or Update TDE wallet password, depending on which password you want to update.
  8. Enter the new password:
    • For the administrator password, enter the new password in both the New administrator password and Confirm administrator password fields.
    • For the TDE wallet password, enter the current wallet password in the Enter existing TDE wallet password field, then enter the new password in both the New TDE wallet password and the Confirm TDE wallet password fields.
  9. Click Apply to update your chosen password.