View Details About a Cluster

To view detailed information for a cluster:
  1. Open the Oracle Big Data Cloud Service Services page. See Open the Oracle Big Data Cloud Service Console.
  2. Find the cluster you want, and click its name to display the Service Overview page for the cluster.

Service Overview Page

The Oracle Big Data Cloud Service Service Overview page displays details about the cluster.

The band at the top of the page includes the following:

Item Description
Big Data Cloud Service Click this link to return to the Oracle Big Data Cloud Service Services page, for an overview of all your clusters.
cluster_name The name of this cluster.
Menu icon (for the cluster)

Click the icon to open a menu with these options:

  • Cloudera Manager Console—Open the Cloudera Manager console to manage the cluster.

  • Big Data Manager Console—Open the Cloudera Manager console to manage copy jobs.

  • Start—Start the cluster if it’s not running.

  • Stop—Stop the cluster.

  • Restart—Restart the stopped cluster.

  • Extend/Shrink—Extend and/or shrink the cluster, based on the configuration in the service instance used for this cluster. In other words, if you have modified your subscription to add or remove nodes, selecting this command will initiate the updates on the cluster.

  • Update—Edit the description of the cluster.

  • Add Association—If you’ve subscribed to the Big Data SQL add-on to Oracle Big Data Cloud Service and you haven’t associated the services yet, select this items to make the association.

  • Service Credentials—Add an SSH public key for secure access.
  • View Activity—Search and display logs of operations on this cluster.

Cluster Details

The information listed under Service Overview shows details about the cluster.

Item Description
Status The operational status of the cluster, including Creating, Updating, Restarting, Terminating. On-boarding, Ready, etc.
BDA Version Version of Oracle Big Data Cloud Service software running on this cluster.
Description A description of the cluster.
Big Data Appliance System The name of the resource configuration used for this cluster.

Node Details

Each row under Resources shows details about a single node in the cluster.

Item Description
Host Name The name of the host for this node.
Public IP The public IP address of this node.
Role The type of node, for example, Hadoop permanent node or edge node.
Menu icon (for the node)

Click the icon to open a menu with these options:

  • Cloudera Manager Console—Open the Cloudera Manager console, where you can manage the cluster.

  • Big Data Manager Console—Open the Cloudera Manager console, where you can manage copy jobs.

  • Start—Start the cluster if it’s not running.

  • Stop—Stop the cluster.

  • Restart—Restart the stopped cluster.

  • Extend/Shrink—Extend and/or shrink the cluster, based on the configuration in the service instance used for this cluster. In other words, if you have modified your subscription to add or remove nodes, selecting this command will initiate the updates on the cluster.

  • Update—Edit the description of the cluster.

  • Add Association—If you’ve subscribed to the Big Data SQL add-on to Oracle Big Data Cloud Service and you haven’t associated the services yet, select this items to make the association.

  • Service Credentials—Display a dialog box, where you can associate an SSH public key with the cluster. The options are:
    • Key File Name—Provide the location and name of a file containing the key.

    • Key Value—Paste in a key value.

    • Create a New Key—Generate a new SSH key pair.

  • View Activity—Display logs of operations on this cluster.