Submit a Map-Reduce Compute Job




Path Parameters
Body ()
Definition of the Map-Reduce Job that you want to submit.
Root Schema : YarnMapReduceJobHttpRequest
Type: object
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Nested Schema : YarnMapReduceJob
Type: object
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Nested Schema : amCores
Type: object
Nested Schema : amEnv
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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Nested Schema : amExtraJavaOptions
Type: array
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Nested Schema : amMemory
Type: object
Nested Schema : amMemoryOverhead
Type: object
Nested Schema : applicationArguments
Type: array
Arguments that need to be sent to the _Application Main_ or the _Application Script_.
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Nested Schema : applicationExtraLibraryPath
Type: array
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Nested Schema : applicationJarFiles
Type: array
List of jars that will be downloaded and added to the classpath of the given Job.
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Nested Schema : applicationSupportArchives
Type: array
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Nested Schema : applicationSupportFiles
Type: array
List of files that will be downloaded and collocated for the given Job.
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Nested Schema : applicationTags
Type: array
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Nested Schema : attemptFailuresValidityInterval
Type: object
Nested Schema : containerMemory
Type: object
Nested Schema : containerMemoryOverhead
Type: object
Nested Schema : env
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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Map of environment variable that should be available to the Job containers.
Nested Schema : extraJavaOptions
Type: array
A map of extra JVM options to pass to the mapper and reducer. For instance, GC settings or other logging.
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Nested Schema : hadoopConf
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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Map of Hadoop configuration options that will be used to submit the Job.
Nested Schema : mapCPUVCores
Type: object
Nested Schema : mapMemoryMB
Type: object
Nested Schema : maxAppAttempts
Type: object
Nested Schema : maxJobDurationInSecs
Type: object
Maximum duration of a Job in seconds. When a Job exceeds the amount of time the Job will be terminated.
Nested Schema : maxSubmissionLatencyInSecs
Type: object
The maximum waiting period that the requester is willing to wait for the job to actually start running inside a cluster before the Job is considered failed, REQUEST_TIMEOUT.
Nested Schema : reduceCPUVCores
Type: object
Nested Schema : reduceMemoryMB
Type: object
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200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : AsyncJobStatus
Type: object
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Nested Schema : JobAggregatedLogs
Type: object
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Nested Schema : JobAggregatedStoredLogs
Type: object
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Nested Schema : allocatedOCores
Type: object
Read Only: true
Sum of virtual cores allocated to the job???s running containers.
Nested Schema : applicationTags
Type: array
A collection of tags or labels associated with this job.
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Nested Schema : completed
Type: object
Read Only: true
Specifies whether the job has been completed. It can be used to determine whether the client needs to keep polling the -progress- status.
Nested Schema : connectors
Type: array
Connecting interfaces that this Job offers. An example of this connector will be the Spark UI.
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Nested Schema : containerLogs
Type: array
Location of log file(s) for a running job.
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Nested Schema : Error
Type: object
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Nested Schema : files
Type: array
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Nested Schema : JobLogFileReference
Type: object
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Nested Schema : files
Type: array
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Nested Schema : JobConnectorReference
Type: object
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Nested Schema : uris
Type: array
The URI of the linked resource
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Nested Schema : JobConnectorResourceIdentifier
Type: object
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Nested Schema : JobContainerLogs
Type: object
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Nested Schema : files
Type: array
Log files with path relative to the Container.
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Nested Schema : o:errorDetails
Type: array
Read Only: true
error details
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400 Response

List of errors related to the request.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
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404 Response

The Compute Job was not found.

500 Response

An internal error occurred.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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Nested Schema : o:errorDetails
Type: array
Read Only: true
error details
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