Big Data Cloud Console: Status Page

The Big Data Cloud Console: Status page displays information about components and services running on Big Data Cloud clusters and nodes and their associated state.

What You Can Do from the Big Data Cloud Console: Status Page

Use the Status page to perform tasks described in the following topics:

What You See in the Navigation Area

Element Description
User name menu icon

User menu providing access to the API Catalog for Big Data Cloud, Help for this page, and About information with details about the console.


Click to go to the Overview page.


Click to go to the Jobs page.


Click to go to the Notebook page.

Data Stores

Click to go to the Data Stores page.


Click to manage resource queue configurations.


Click to see a list of all components on the cluster.


Click to list the components by each host (node) in the cluster.

What You See in the Services Tab

Element Description


Click to list the components by each host (node) in the cluster. This view is useful to understand the topology of the cluster.


Use the Filter box to filter as desired.

Refresh icon

Click to refresh the page.

(Components on the cluster)

List of components on the cluster and their status.

There are two possible states: INSTALLED and STARTED.

INSTALLED means a service is stopped and not running, and STARTED means a service is running. Some components on the cluster are never started and are only installed, for example client libraries such as HDFS_CLIENT.

Metrics list the number of components in each state and the total of the two.

What You See in the Hosts Tab

Element Description


Click to see a list of all components on the cluster.


Use the Filter box to filter as desired.

Refresh icon

Click to refresh the page.

(Components on each node in the cluster)

List of components on each host (node) in the cluster and their status.

There are two possible states: INSTALLED and STARTED.

INSTALLED means a service is stopped and not running, and STARTED means a service is running. Some components on the cluster are never started and are only installed, for example client libraries such as HDFS_CLIENT.

Metrics show whether the service is in maintenance mode (false indicates it is not).