About Big Data Cloud Roles and Users

Oracle Big Data Cloud uses roles to control access to tasks and resources. A role assigned to a user gives certain privileges to that user.

In addition to the roles and privileges described in Learn About Cloud Account Roles in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud, the following role is created for Big Data Cloud: BDCSCE_Administrator.

When the Big Data Cloud account is first set up, the service administrator is given the BDCSCE_Administrator role. User accounts with this role must be added before anyone else can access and use the service.

A user with the BDCSCE_Administrator role has complete administrative control over the service. This user can create and terminate clusters, add and delete nodes, monitor cluster health, stop and start clusters, and manage other life cycle events. In a typical workflow, the administrator spins up a cluster that users can use to do their work. When the cluster is no longer needed, the administrator terminates it.

The identity domain administrator can create more Big Data Cloud administrators by creating user accounts and assigning the role to the user. Only the identity domain administrator is allowed to create user accounts and assign roles. See Add Users and Assign Roles in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud.