Enable Access Rules

Not Oracle Cloud Infrastructure This topic does not apply to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

To enable access to a port, administrators must enable the appropriate access rule.

To enable an access rule:
  1. Open the service console. See Access the Service Console for Big Data Cloud.
  2. From the Menu icon menu for the cluster for which you want to manage access, select Access Rules.

    The Access Rules page is displayed. For information about the details on this page, see Service Console: Access Rules Page.

  3. Locate the rule you want to enable.
  4. From the Menu icon menu for the rule, select Enable. This menu is also used to disable or delete a rule.

    The Enable Access Rule window is displayed.

  5. Select Enable.

    The Enable Access Rule window closes and the rule is displayed as enabled in the list of rules. The given port on the cluster is opened to the public internet.