Service Console: SSH Access Page

The SSH Access page enables you to view and add SSH public keys to Oracle Big Data Cloud clusters in your identity domain. You can restrict the list of clusters displayed using search filters.

What You Can Do from the SSH Access Page

Use the SSH Access page to view and add SSH public keys to Oracle Big Data Cloud clusters in your identity domain.

You can use the page’s search section to filter the list of displayed clusters based on the cluster name. In the table of results, you can:

  • Click any column heading to sort the table by that column.

  • Click the triangle at the start of a cluster’s row to see more details.

What You See on the SSH Access Page

Element Description

Service Name

Filters the results to include SSH keys only for the specified clusters. You can enter a full or partial cluster name.

Service Type

Filters the results to include SSH keys only for clusters of the specified service type.


Searches for SSH keys by applying the filters specified by the Service Name and Service Type fields, and displays the results in the table.

Results per page

Specifies the number of results you want to view per page. The default value is 10.

Refresh icon

Refreshes the page.

Triangle icon

Displays a description of an item in the results table. Clicking on the resulting downward arrow hides the description.

Service Name

Shows the name of the cluster.

Service Type

Shows the type of service for this cluster.

Last Update

Shows the most recent time the SSH keys for this cluster were updated.


Click the Add New Key button to associate another SSH public key to this cluster, or to replace the existing SSH public key for the cluster.

The Add New Key overlay is displayed with its Key value field displaying the cluster’s most recent SSH public key.

Specify the public key using one of the following methods:

  • Select Upload a new SSH Public Key value from file and click Choose File to select a file that contains the public key.

  • Select Key value. Delete the current key value and paste the new public key into the text area. Make sure the value does not contain line breaks or end with a line break.

The Add New Key button is enabled only if the service is running.