Description of the Illustration homepage.png

This image shows the Home page of Big Data Preparation Cloud Service, where many metrics are displayed for the jobs executed on your service cluster. There are two panels side-by-side, labeled Overview and Quickstart. Under both of these panels is the Resources panel.

The Overview panel contains four column-like sections. Those section titles are Jobs, Sources, Rows Processed, and Transformations.

The Jobs section shows the total number of jobs (150) and a bar graph of four vertical bars for jobs that succeeded, are running, are pending, and failed.

The Sources section shows the total number of sources (92) and a circle graph that shows the number of sources currently used on your cluster as a percentage of that total (37%).

The Rows Processed section shows the total number of rows processed (1.9M) and a circle graph shows the percentage of rows that were successfully processed (100%).

The Transformations section shows the total number of transformations (2.6M) and a bar graph of three vertical bars for transformations that succeeded, had warnings, or failed.

Next to the Transformations section is the Quickstart panel, which has three vertically stacked sections with links labeled Create Source, Create Transform, and Upload Data.

The Resources panel has links for Getting Started, What’s New, and Oracle Cloud.