Publishing Transforms

Publish already defined transforms from the Catalog.

To publish a transform:
  1. On the Catalog page, locate the transform that you want to publish.
  2. Click the More Actions More Actions icon.
    A menu with the available actions for that element of the Catalog appears. Note that the publish action is available only for transforms.
  3. Select Publish.
    The Publish Transform page appears.
  4. Click the Select button located next to the Source field.
    The Select dialog box appears.
  5. From the Source drop-down list, click the data source for your file. A list of directories for the selected source appears in the Select File field.
  6. In the Select File field, go to the directory where your file is located, select that file, and then click OK.
    You can also select a directory. If you select a directory instead of a specific file, you will receive a warning, but all the files in that directory will be processed.
    Description of transform_directory_warning.png follows
    Description of the illustration transform_directory_warning.png
    The selected source and file appear in the Source field on the Publish Transform page.
  7. Click the Select button located next to the Target field.
    The Select dialog box appears.
  8. From the Source drop-down list, click the target where your repaired and enriched data set will be published. A list of directories for the selected source appears in the Select Directory field.
  9. In the Select Directory field, go to the directory where your published data set will be stored, select that directory, and then click OK.
    The selected target appears in the Target field on the Publish Transform page.
  10. Click Publish.
    For interactive publishing from the Catalog page, you have only one scheduling option. For the Execute property, Once is the only option available. To customize data processing and publishing, see Understanding Policies and Scheduling.
    The Publish page appears. The publishing process might take a few minutes. For more information on the Publish page, see Understanding a Publishing Log.