Understanding Transforms

Transforms let you define a script to prepare and enrich your data.

To create a transform, you must provide a data source file. You can provide a sample file, or use the complete data source and select the smart sampling option. Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service creates a basic transform based on this file. You can then edit the transform script to unify values, hide (obfuscate) sensitive information, detect and delete rows containing null values, blend your data with additional data files, and enrich the existing data using the Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service knowledge service or imported custom reference knowledge files. For more information on creating transforms, see Creating Transforms.

After you publish your transform, use it to prepare and enrich other data sources generally larger than the file that you used to create it.

The file that you use to create the transform must be representative of the data that you expect to find in the larger data sources that you want to process.