Oracle® Cloud

What's New for Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service


What’s New for Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service

Learn about the new and changed features of Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service.

December 2016

Feature Description
Repair data with regular expressions. Use regular expressions to repair or delete categories of data (street numbers or birth years, for example) in your transform. See Replacing Data Using Regular Expressions.
Integration with Oracle Database Cloud - Database as a Service. Publish your enriched data directly to Oracle Database Cloud - Database as a Service. See Adding an Existing Oracle Database Cloud Service Instance as a Target.
Support for SAP poly-structured and complex JSON files Use SAP poly-structured and complex JSON files as data sources. See Understanding the Supported File Types.

October 2016

Feature Description
Local HDFS Storage Use pre-integrated local HDFS storage to quickly get started with preparing datasets by uploading, processing, publishing, and downloading datasets from the local HDFS cluster. See Adding a Hadoop Distributed File System as a Source or Target.
Dataset Similarity Web Service Compare the profiles of two transforms to discover similarities between columns. See Using Similarity Discovery.

August 2016

Feature Description
Integration with Oracle Data Visualization Cloud Service Publish your enriched data directly to Oracle Data Visualization Cloud Service. See Adding an Existing Oracle Data Visualization Cloud Service Instance as a Target.
Concatenate multiple columns Merge multiple columns in your data set, use delimiters, and add a prefix or suffix. See Merging Columns.
View and edit properties of custom reference knowledge files View or update the contents of your custom reference knowledge file, and edit its name or assigned curation level. See Editing Custom Reference Knowledge Properties.
Support for Splunk log files Use a Splunk log file as a data source. See Understanding the Supported File Types.

May 2016

Feature Description
Get a free trial subscription Free trial subscriptions are available for Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service. See Requesting a Trial Subscription.
Work in an updated interface Monitor activity, create sources and transforms, and publish repaired data in a new user interface. To find out more:
Create transforms efficiently Create transforms using a new and improved asynchronous process. See Creating Transforms.
Blend multiple files Blend multiple data files in a single transformation. See Blending Multiple Data Files.
Import custom reference knowledge files Import custom reference knowledge enrichments into your service cluster. See Adding Custom Reference Knowledge.

April 2016

Feature Description
Integration with Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service Publish your enriched data in Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service. See Adding an Existing Oracle Cloud Business Intelligence Service as a Target and Publishing Results to Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service.

March 2016

Feature Description
Enrich multiple data columns Use multiple columns as secondary keys to enrich columns containing city values. See Enriching Data Sets.
Support for EssBase log files Use an EssBase log file as a data source. See Understanding the Supported File Types.
Support for multiple data languages The ingestion and publishing of data files is supported in nine languages. See About Supported Data Languages.

February 2016

Feature Description
Look for null values in your data Perform a complete check for null values in your data set. See Checking for Null Data.

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Oracle Cloud What's New for Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service


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