All REST Endpoints
Application Operations
REST API for application operations
- Get Version of REST Proxy API
- Method: getPath:
Application Operations/Audit Log Events
Use these operations to subscribe or unsubscribe to audit log events.
- List Audit Log Event Subscriptions
- Method: getPath:
- Subscribe to an Audit Log Event
- Method: postPath:
- Unsubscribe from an Audit Log Event
- Method: deletePath:
Application Operations/Hyperledger Fabric v1.4/Events
Use these operations to subscribe or unsubscribe to chaincode events
- List Event Subscriptions
- Method: getPath:
- Subscribe to an Event
- Method: postPath:
- Unsubscribe from an Event
- Method: deletePath:
Application Operations/Hyperledger Fabric v1.4/Transactions
Use these operations to query and invoke chaincode transactions
- Get a New Transaction ID and Nonce
- Method: getPath:
- Get Transaction Information
- Method: getPath:
- Query a Chaincode
- Method: postPath:
- Send a Transaction
- Method: postPath:
Blockchain Network Administrative Operations/Hyperledger Fabric v1.4/Chaincode
REST API for chaincode operations
- Get Chaincode Information
- Method: getPath:
- Get Installed Chaincode List
- Method: getPath:
- Install a Chaincode
- Method: postPath:
- Instantiate a Chaincode
- Method: postPath:
Blockchain Network Administrative Operations/Hyperledger Fabric v1.4/Channel
REST API for channel operations
- Add an Organization to a Channel
- Method: postPath:
- Add an OSN to a Channel
- Method: postPath:
- Add an OSN to the System Channel
- Method: postPath:
- Create a Channel
- Method: postPath:
- Get a List of Block's Data
- Method: getPath:
- Get Channel Block Data
- Method: getPath:
- Get Channel Information
- Method: getPath:
- Get Channel List
- Method: getPath:
- Get Orderer Advanced Attributes for a Channel
- Method: getPath:
- Get the System Channel's Configuration Block
- Method: getPath:
- Remove an Organization from a Channel
- Method: deletePath:
- Remove an OSN from a Channel
- Method: postPath:
- Set Anchor Peers for a Channel
- Method: postPath:
- Update Channel Configuration (Deprecated in v19.1.3)
- Method: patchPath:
- Update Orderer Advanced Attributes for a Channel
- Method: patchPath:
- Update Policies of a Channel
- Method: postPath:
Blockchain Network Administrative Operations/Hyperledger Fabric v1.4/Nodes
REST API for nodes operations
- Associate REST Client User With a Custom Enrollment
- Method: postPath:
- Create Custom Enrollment for REST Proxy
- Method: postPath:
- Delete Custom Enrollment for REST Proxy
- Method: deletePath:
- Download Node Logs for a Time Range
- Method: getPath:
- Export Nodes (Deprecated in 20.3.1)
- Method: getPath:
- Get Configuration of a CA Node
- Method: getPath:
- Get List of REST Client Users Associated With the Designated Custom Enrollment
- Method: getPath:
- Get Node List
- Method: getPath:
- Get Orderer information
- Method: getPath:
- Get Orderer Node Configuration
- Method: getPath:
- Get Peer Attributes
- Method: getPath:
- Get Peer List
- Method: getPath:
- Get REST Proxy Node Configuration
- Method: getPath:
- Import Configuration Block to Orderer
- Method: postPath:
- Import Nodes (Deprecated in 20.3.1)
- Method: postPath:
- Join a Peer to a Channel
- Method: postPath:
- List Custom Enrollments for REST Proxy
- Method: getPath:
- Remove Association Between REST Client User and a Custom Enrollment
- Method: deletePath:
- Start a CA Node
- Method: postPath:
- Start a Peer Node
- Method: postPath:
- Start a REST Proxy Node
- Method: postPath:
- Start an Orderer Node
- Method: postPath:
- Stop a CA Node
- Method: postPath:
- Stop a Peer
- Method: postPath:
- Stop a REST Proxy Node
- Method: postPath:
- Stop an Orderer Node
- Method: postPath:
- Update CA Node Configuration
- Method: patchPath:
- Update Orderer Node Configuration
- Method: patchPath:
- Update Peer Node Configuration
- Method: patchPath:
- Update REST Proxy Node Configuration
- Method: patchPath:
- Verify Blocks
- Method: getPath:
Blockchain Network Administrative Operations/Hyperledger Fabric v1.4/Organizations
REST API for organizations operations
- Add Organization to Network
- Method: postPath:
- Download Connection Profile
- Method: getPath:
- Get All Organizations
- Method: getPath:
- Get Orderer Service Settings
- Method: getPath:
- Get Organization Admin Credentials
- Method: getPath:
- Get Organization Certificates
- Method: getPath:
- Set Orderer Service for an Organization
- Method: postPath:
Blockchain Platform Administrative Operations
The operations from the Blockchain Platform Administrative Operations category.
- Change Blockchain Platform Compartment
- Method: postPath:
- Create a New Blockchain Platform
- Method: postPath:
- Create Blockchain Platform OSN
- Method: postPath:
- Create Blockchain Platform Peer
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a Blockchain Platform
- Method: deletePath:
- Delete Blockchain Platform OSN
- Method: deletePath:
- Delete Blockchain Platform Peer
- Method: deletePath:
- Delete Work Request
- Method: deletePath:
- Get Blockchain Platform Information
- Method: getPath:
- Get Blockchain Platform OSN
- Method: getPath:
- Get Blockchain Platform Peer
- Method: getPath:
- Get Work Request Status
- Method: getPath:
- List Blockchain Platform OSNs
- Method: getPath:
- List Blockchain Platform Peers
- Method: getPath:
- List Blockchain Platforms
- Method: getPath:
- List BlockchainPlatform Patches
- Method: getPath:
- List Work Request Logs
- Method: getPath:
- List Work Requests
- Method: getPath:
- Lists Work Request Errors
- Method: getPath:
- Preview Scale Blockchain Platform
- Method: postPath:
- Scale Blockchain Platform
- Method: postPath:
- Start a Blockchain Platform
- Method: postPath:
- Stop Blockchain Platform
- Method: postPath:
- Update Blockchain Platform
- Method: putPath:
- Update Blockchain Platform OSN
- Method: putPath:
- Update Blockchain Platform Peer
- Method: putPath:
- Upgrade the Blockchain Platform version
- Method: postPath:
Statistics/Hyperledger Fabric v1.4
REST API for Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 statistics operations
- Get Audit Log Information
- Method: getPath:
- Get Current Channels and Peers Joined on Each Channel
- Method: getPath:
- Get Current Number and List of Channels Joined by the Specified Peer
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Current Number and List of Installed Chaincodes on the Specified Peer
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Current Number of Instantiated Chaincodes on the Specified Channel
- Method: getPath:
- Get the List of Configured Chaincodes (Deprecated in 20.3.1)
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Native Fabric Metrics for Peer or Orderer
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Node Health Status
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Node Usage Related Metrics
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Number of Asynchronous Invocations
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Number of Billable Transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Number of Blocks
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Number of Commits
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Number of Endorsements
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Number of Synchronous Invocations
- Method: getPath:
- Get the Number of User Transactions for Peer, Channel, or Network
- Method: getPath: