New, Changed and Deprecated APIs

This page describes the resource paths and endpoints that are new, changed, or deprecated from previous releases.

This document is specific to Oracle Blockchain Platform REST APIs on Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 or later. If you are using an instance of Oracle Blockchain Platform on Hyperledger Fabric v1.4, refer to REST API for Oracle Blockchain Platform on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Hyperledger Fabric v1.4).

Hyperledger Fabric v2.5

All Oracle Blockchain Platform REST APIs for Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 will work as-is after you upgrade to Hyperledger Fabric v2.5.

Hyperledger Fabric v2.2

The existing Applications Operations, Network Administrative Operations, and Statistics APIs are still supported for networks running on Hyperledger Fabric v1.4. New APIs have been added to support networks running on Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 or later.

Although most of the existing APIs have a new Hyperledger Fabric v2 equivalent, there is not a 1:1 match. Some APIs are unique to each version of Hyperledger Fabric, and some have different parameters for each release.

Which Resource Paths and Endpoints Were Added or Modified

These resource paths and endpoints were modified from earlier Oracle Blockchain Platform releases or may have slightly different functionality in this release.

Endpoints Resource Paths Functional Changes
Application Operations    
  • Get Version of Blockchain Platform, Hyperledger Fabric and Admin API: /console/admin/api/instanceVersion

New in 22.2.1, you can query the Oracle Blockchain Platform, Hyperledger Fabric and admin API versions.

  Audit Log Events
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /restproxy/api/v2/auditlog
New in 21.1.2, you can retrieve audit log information from a REST API endpoint. The audit log is a record of administrative console activity, including actions related to channels, organizations, nodes, and chaincode.
  Atomic Transactions
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /restproxy/api/v2/atomicTransactions

New in 22.3.2, atomic transactions are supported. An atomic transaction is an indivisible series of data operations that either all succeed, or none succeed.

New in 22.4.2, you can include Ethereum-based transactions in an atomic transaction workflow using the Last Resource Commit (LRC) parameters.

New in 23.3.3 you can use atomic transactions to transfer NFTs from Oracle Blockchain Platform to an Ethereum or Polygon network using the Last Resource Commit (LRC) parameters.

See Atomic Transactions.

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 base path
  • /restproxy/api/v2/channels/{channelId}/event-subscriptions
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /restproxy/api/v2/channels/{channelName}/event-subscriptions

channelId in Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 is now channelName across all Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 endpoints.

All other endpoints continue to function as they did in earlier releases, but with the new basepath.

New in 22.2.1, while subscribing to an event, you can now optionally select the maximum number of callback retries.

New in 22.4.2, in addition to TLS, you can invoke callback endpoints secured with OAuth 2.0.

New in 22.4.2, the seek parameter is no longer limited to blocks and codeblocks, but now also returns chaincode events.

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 base path
  • /restproxy/api/v2/channels/{channelId}
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /restproxy/api/v2/channels/{channelName}

channelId in Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 is now channelName across all Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 endpoints.

New in Fabric v2.2, when sending a transaction, you can now optionally specify if it's an initialization request by using the isInit parameter.

All other endpoints continue to function as they did in earlier releases, but with the new basepath.

Blockchain Network Administrative Operations  

All blockchain network administrative operations have been updated from v1.1 to v2. All endpoints will use this new basepath.

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 APIs with the base path:
  • /console/admin/api/v1.1/chaincodes
have been replaced by Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 APIs with new function:
  • /console/admin/api/v2/chaincodes

The chaincode lifecycle is different between Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 and v2.2. Thus the available endpoints, their parameters and functionality are new in Hyperledger Fabric v2.2.

Closely read the documentation for the new lifecycle before migrating your REST API calls to the new platform level.

New in 22.4.2, you can delete an installed chaincode package to free up storage space in your instance.

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v1.1/channels
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v2/channels
New endpoints in Hyperledger Fabric v2.2
  • Approve a Chaincode Definition in a Channel: /{channelName}/chaincodeDefinitions/approve
  • Check Commit Readiness: /{channelName}/chaincodeDefinitions/checkCommitReadiness
  • Commit a Chaincode Definition in a Channel: /{channelName}/chaincodeDefinitions/commit
  • Query Chaincode Definition in a Channel: /{channelName}/chaincodeDefinitions

All other channel endpoints continue to function as they did in earlier releases, but with the new basepath.

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v1.1/nodes
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v2/nodes
Modified endpoints in Hyperledger Fabric v2.2
  • Create Custom Enrollment for REST Proxy: /restproxies/{restProxyId}/enrollments

    This endpoint now optionally allows custom keys with string value attributes to be added to the enrollment certificate.

  • Get REST Proxy Node Configuration: /restproxies/{restProxyId}

    This endpoint now returns whether the node configuration logs transaction events.

  • Update Peer Node Configuration: /peers/{peerId}

    The peer configuration attributes for the Chaincode and Gossip have changed in Hyperledger Fabric v2.2.

  • Update REST Proxy Node Configuration: /restproxies/{restProxyId}

    You can now optionally log transaction events.

All other node endpoints continue to function as they did in earlier releases, but with the new basepath.

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v1.1/organizations
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v2/organizations

All organization endpoints continue to function as they did in earlier releases, but with the new basepath.

Blockchain Platform Administrative Operations Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 and v2.2 base paths
  • /20191010/blockchainPlatforms/{blockchainPlatformId}
  • /20191010/workRequests/{workRequestId}

These APIs have not changed between Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 and v2.2.

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v1.1/dashboard/statistics
Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 base path
  • /console/admin/api/v2/dashboard/statistics
Deprecated endpoints in Hyperledger Fabric v2.2
  • Get the Current Number and List of Installed Chaincodes on the Specified Peer: /chaincodeInstalled
  • Get the Current Number of Instantiated Chaincodes on the Specified Channel: /chaincodeInstantiated
  • Get the Number of Billable Transactions: /billableTrans

Due to the change in chaincode lifecycle between Hyperledger Fabric versions, any statistics pertaining to the earlier version's lifecycle are deprecated once you migrate your platform to the new version.

Note that these will still work if you have not yet migrated to Hyperledger Fabic v2.2.

All non-deprecated endpoints continue to function as they did in earlier releases, but with the new basepath.

Which Resource Paths and Endpoints are Deprecated

These resource paths and endpoints are deprecated.

Endpoints Deprecated in Release Version Resource Path Additional Information
Blockchain Network Administrative Operations Hyperledger Fabric v2.2
  • Get Chaincode Information: /console/admin/api/v1.1/chaincodes/{chaincodeName}
  • Instantiate a Chaincode: /console/admin/api/v1.1/chaincodes/{chaincodeName}/instantiate

Due to the change in chaincode lifecycle between Hyperledger Fabric versions, any administrative operations pertaining to the earlier version's lifecycle are deprecated once you migrate your platform to the new version.

Note that these will still work if you have not yet migrated to Hyperledger Fabic v2.2.

Statistics Hyperledger Fabric v2.2
  • Get the Current Number and List of Installed Chaincodes on the Specified Peer: /console/admin/api/v1.1/dashboard/statistics/chaincodeInstalled
  • Get the Current Number of Instantiated Chaincodes on the Specified Channel: /console/admin/api/v1.1/dashboard/statistics/chaincodeInstantiated
  • Get the Number of Billable Transactions: /console/admin/api/v1.1/dashboard/statistics/billableTrans

Due to the change in chaincode lifecycle between Hyperledger Fabric versions, any statistics pertaining to the earlier version's lifecycle are deprecated once you migrate your platform to the new version.

Note that these will still work if you have not yet migrated to Hyperledger Fabic v2.2.


  • The deprecated resource path and endpoints will become obsolete in the release listed. This means when you create an instance using that version or upgrade an existing instance, you will no longer be able to use these endpoints.
  • It is recommended that you migrate your applications to use the new paths and endpoints at your earliest convenience. This will minimize any disruption in the future when the deprecated URL structures are no longer supported.