Add Oracle Blockchain Platform Participant Organizations to the Network

This topic contains information about joining an Oracle Blockchain Platform participant organization to an Oracle Blockchain Platform network.

Typical Workflow to Join a Participant Organization to an Oracle Blockchain Platform Network

Here are the tasks the founder and participants organizations need to perform to set up a blockchain network.

Adding Participant Organizations to a Blockchain Network

Task Who Does This? Description More Information
Export the participant organization's certificates and import them into the network

Participant organization outputs certificates

Founder organization uploads certificates

In the participant organization's instance, use the wizard to output the certificates into a JSON file and send them to the founder organization.

The founder uploads the certificates to add the participant to the network.

Import Certificates to Add Organizations to the Network

Export the participant organization's ordering service node (OSN) settings and send to the founder administrator

Participant organization outputs a settings file

Founder organization uploads the settings

In the participant organization's instance, export the settings into a JSON file and sends them to the founder organization.

The founder uploads the settings to add the ordering service.

Join the Participant or Scaled-Out OSNs to the Founder's Ordering Service
Export the founder organization's network configuration block and upload it to the participant organization

Founder organization exports network configuration block information

Participant organization uploads network configuration block information

In the founder’s instance, download the network configuration block information (JSON file).

Then in the participant’s instance, upload the network configuration block.

Join the Participant or Scaled-Out OSNs to the Founder's Ordering Service

Join Participant Organizations to the Channel and Set Anchor Peers

Task Who Does This? Description More Information
Create a channel Founder organization

In the founder’s instance, create a channel that the founder and participants use to communicate. Add the founder’s peers to the channel.

You must select any newly added participants and assign them permissions on the channel.

Note that instead of creating a new channel, you can add participants to an existing channel.

Create a Channel
Join participants to the channel Participant organization In the participant’s instance, join the channel that was created in the founder’s instance. Join a Peer to a Channel
Set anchor peers on the founder and participants

Founder organization

Participant organization

In the founder and participant instances, specify which peers you want to use as anchor peers. You must select at least one anchor peer for each member. Add an Anchor Peer

Deploy the Chaincode Across the Blockchain Network

Task Who Does This? Description More Information
Install the chaincode on the founder Founder organization In the founder’s instance, upload and install the chaincode. Choose the peers to install the chaincode on.
Deploy the chaincode and specify an endorsement policy on the founder Founder organization

In the founder’s instance, deploy the chaincode to activate it on the network.

An endorsement policy is required to specify the number of members that must approve chaincode transactions before they’re submitted to the ledger.

Install the chaincode on the participant Participant organization

In the participant’s instance, install the chaincode that your network will use.

Because you’ll install the same chaincode that you installed and deployed on the founder, you don’t need to deploy the chaincode on the participant. When the participant installs the chaincode, it’s already deployed.

Run Transactions

Task Who Does This? Description More Information
Invoke the chaincode and monitor network activity and ledger updates

Founder organization

Participant organization

Begin using your network’s chaincode for transactions.

Both the founder and the participants can use their consoles to find out information about the activity on the network. Specifically, you can use the console’s Channels tab to locate information about specific ledger transactions