Deploying and Testing Token Chaincode

You deploy token chaincode projects by following the same steps as other chaincode projects, but there are some special issues to consider.

You can deploy chaincode to only one organization or instance when you use the standard deployment steps with Blockchain App Builder. When a token chaincode is deployed, the list of Token Admin users is specified. The Token Admin user can add or remove other users by calling the addAdmin and removeAdmin methods.

To deploy to multiple organizations or instances, package the chaincode and then manually deploy it to all the instances. For more information, see the applicable following topic:

To test token projects locally with multiple users, see the applicable following topic:

To test token projects on a remote Oracle Blockchain Platform network, see the applicable following topic:

Adding Enrollments for Token Use Cases

Oracle Blockchain Platform supports enrollments to the REST proxy. You use enrollments with token chaincodes to ensure the identities of the users completing token transactions. To do this, when you add enrollments for token use cases, specify a user ID for each enrollment, and specify one and only one user for each enrollment. For more information about adding enrollments, see Add Enrollments to the REST Proxy.