Find Information About Chaincodes

(Hyperledger Fabric v2.x) You can find information about the chaincodes in your network, including how many peers the chaincode is installed on and if the chaincode has been deployed. You can view information about chaincode packages and chaincode definitions.

  1. Go to the console and select the Chaincodes tab.
    The Chaincodes page is displayed and the chaincode table lists the chaincode packages that are available on the network, with information about how many peers a package is installed on and how many channels a package is deployed on.
  2. In the table, click a chaincode package to see more information about which peers it's installed on, and its names and versions for the channels it's deployed on.
    • When you stop a peer node, Oracle Blockchain Platform removes the peer’s listing on the Chaincodes tab.
    • If you stop all peers that have the chaincode installed, then the Chaincodes tab doesn’t list the chaincode. To list the chaincode, start at least one peer node that has the chaincode installed on it.
    • Use the More Actions menu icon to deploy the chaincode package to a different channel, or to the same channel but with a different chaincode definition. You can also download the chaincode package and delete the chaincode package. You might delete a chaincode package to free up space for installing other chaincodes. When you delete a chaincode package, it is not recoverable.
  3. To see the definitions of deployed chaincodes, select the Channels tab.
  4. Click the name of the channel where the chaincode is deployed, and then click Deployed Chaincodes.
    In the table, you can use the More Actions menu to get information about a chaincode definition or to upgrade a chaincode.