C Run Solidity Smart Contracts with EVM on Oracle Blockchain Platform

You can run Solidity smart contracts with an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) deployed as a chaincode on Oracle Blockchain Platform.

The EVM runs Solidity smart contracts in Ethereum networks. The EVM was created through the Hyperledger Burrow project and integrated into Hyperledger Fabric. This project enables you to use a Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain platform to interact with Ethereum smart contracts written in an EVM-compatible language such as Solidity.

The following steps outline the process of running a Solidity smart contract on a provisioned Oracle Blockchain Platform:
  1. Download the EVM chaincode package from the Oracle Blockchain Platform console.
  2. Deploy the EVM chaincode on a channel.
  3. Generate bytecode for a Solidity smart contract by using the Remix IDE.
  4. Deploy the smart contract bytecode into the deployed EVM chaincode. Use the address returned from the deployment to send transactions.
Steps in this topic have been tested with the EVM chaincode package that is available from the Oracle Blockchain Platform console, and might not work with other releases.


If your chaincode was previously installed on a Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.7 instance, it should continue to work as expected when your instance is upgraded to Hyperledger Fabric v2.x.

Download the EVM Chaincode and Fab3 Package

On the Developer Tools tab of the Oracle Blockchain Platform console, open the Application Development pane and then click Download the EVM chaincode package. You must be an admin user to download the file.

Deploy EVM Chaincode on Oracle Blockchain Platform

After you download the EVM chaincode package, you deploy it on Oracle Blockchain Platform.

  1. Log into the Oracle Blockchain Platform console.
  2. On the Chaincodes tab, click Deploy a New Chaincode.
  3. Select Quick Deployment, and enter the following information:
    • Package Label: enter a description of the chaincode package.
    • Chaincode Language: GoLang.
    • Chaincode Name: enter the name of the chaincode. For example, enter soliditycc.
    • Version: v1.
    • Init-required: leave this unselected.
    • Channel: select the channels where you want to install the chaincode.
    • Is Packaged Chaincode: leave this unselected.
    • Chaincode source: upload the evmcc.zip package that you downloaded previously.
    For more details on the Quick Deployment wizard and restrictions on fields such as Package Label and Chaincode Name, see: Use Quick Deployment.

After you submit your information, the EVM chaincode is visible in the Chaincodes tab and is listed as a deployed chaincode on each channel that you selected to install it on.

Create and Compile Your Solidity Smart Contract

  1. Open the browser-based Remix IDE: https://remix.ethereum.org/.
  2. If you already have a Solidity smart contract written, import it into Remix.
  3. If you don't have a Solidity smart contract written, create a Solidity file (.sol) in Remix and do one of the following:
    • If you're familiar with Solidity you can create your own smart contract file.
    • You can use the Simple Storage sample code provided in the Solidity documentation: Solidity: Introduction to Smart Contracts
    • You can use the sample code being used for this example, which takes string name as an input and prints the same as output string using set(name) and get():
      pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
      contract Myname {
          string public yourName;
          function set(string name) public {
              yourName = name;
          function get() public view returns (string) {
              return yourName;
    You might see an error message about the default compiler version not matching the version that you've specified in your smart contract.
  4. Compile your smart contract. Open the Solidity Compiler panel in Remix, ensure that your smart contract tab is open to select it as the file being compiled, set the compiler version to the most recent 4.X version, and click Compile.
    Screen capture of the test Solidity smart contract in the Remix Compiler view.

  5. After the file is compiled, click the Bytecode icon to copy the bytecode as a JSON document to your clipboard.
  6. Paste the copied bytecode into a text editor and save it.

Deploy the Smart Contract

In the copied bytecode, the section you need is the "object" field. This is the EVM bytecode of a sample smart contract.
"object": "608060405234801561001057600080fd5b50610410806100206000396000f30060
In general, the EVM expects two arguments:
  • The to address.
  • The input that's necessary in Ethereum transactions.

To deploy smart contracts, the to field is the zero address, and the input is the compiled EVM bytecode of the contract. Thus, there are two arguments provided to the invoke command. The first one, which was traditionally supposed to be a function name inside the chaincode, is now 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, and the second argument is the Solidity smart contract bytecode.

  1. To deploy the Solidity smart contract on Oracle Blockchain Platform, you can make the following REST proxy call to send the two arguments to the EVM.
        "chaincode": "<evmcc-ccid>",
        "args": [
        "timeout": 0,
        "sync": true
    The following example uses cURL to deploy the Solidity smart contract to Oracle Blockchain Platform with the name soliditycc:
    curl -L -X POST 'https://<hostname>:7443/restproxy/api/v2/channels/<channelname>/transactions' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"chaincode":"<evmcc-ccid>","args":["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","<bytecode-of-the-smart-contract>"],"timeout":0,"sync":true}'
  2. The response payload of the transaction is the contract address for your deployed contract. Copy this address and save it. The contract address is used when you run smart contract functions.
    Screen capture of the API call and response showing the smart contract address in the payload response field.
    In this example, the smart contract address is 66b92979bb66d645371b3247177e4b2513cb9834.
There are two ways to interact with a deployed smart contract:
  1. By using a hash value of the method and input parameters.
  2. By using the method name and input parameters directly.

Interacting With the Smart Contract by Using Hash Values

After you have the smart contract address, you can use the following calls to interact with the deployed smart contract via the REST proxy.

To execute functions, you use invoke and query transactions but with different parameters. The sample contract contains two functions: get and set.

In these transactions, the to field is the contract address and the input field is the function execution hash concatenated with any of the required arguments.

You need to acquire the hash of the function execution to run a transaction. A simple way to do this is to execute the functions in the Remix IDE and to then copy the hash from the transaction logs:

  1. In the Remix IDE, open the Deploy and Run Transactions panel. Ensure that your contract is selected in the Contract field, and click Deploy.
    Screen capture of the Solidity contract about to be deployed.

    After the deployment completes, the contract should be listed in the Deployed Contracts list.
  2. Expand the contract in the Deployed Contracts list. The smart contract functions are listed.
  3. Run a transaction. For the provided example, enter oracle and then click set.
  4. The Terminal window shows the transaction logs. If the transaction logs are minimized, expand them by clicking the log. Copy the value of the input field (which is the function execution hash) by clicking the icon next to it. Save this value to the same location as your contract address, removing the leading 0x.
    Screen capture of the Deployment page showing the completed transaction and field values, and pointing to the input field containing the function execution hash value.

  5. After you have the function execution hash and the contract address, you can run the set transaction on Oracle Blockchain Platform using the hash and address as the raw data arguments.
    --data-raw '{"chaincode":"<chaincodename>","args":["<contractaddress>","<setfunctionexecutionhash>"]}'
    For example, using cURL:
    curl -L -X POST 'https://<hostname>:7443/restproxy/api/v2/channels/<channelname>/transactions' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"chaincode":"soliditycc","args":["66b92979bb66d645371b3247177e4b2513cb9834","4ed3885e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000066f7261636c650000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"]}'
  6. Open the Oracle Blockchain Platform console and check that the transaction is listed in the ledger.

To run another transaction such as a query by using the smart contract's get function, you can generate the function execution hash in Remix and then combine it with the contract address:

  1. In Remix on the Deploy and Run Transactions panel, ensure that your contract is still listed under Deployed Contracts. If not, redeploy it.
  2. Click get. Retrieve and save the input from the transaction as you did with the set transaction, removing the leading 0x.
    Screen capture of the get transaction in Remix, clarifying that the input field contains the required function execution hash.

  3. You can use this transaction hash and the contract address to run a query transaction against the chaincode deployed on Oracle Blockchain Platform.
    --data-raw '{"chaincode":"<chaincodename>","args":["<contractaddress>","<getfunctionexecutionhash>"]}'
    For example in cURL:
    curl -L -X POST 'https://<hostname>:7443/restproxy/api/v2/channels/<channelname>/chaincode-queries' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"chaincode":"soliditycc","args":["66b92979bb66d645371b3247177e4b2513cb9834","6d4ce63c"]}'
    The returned payload will contain the asset being queried - in the example case the string oracle.

The following sample payload illustrates another way to send a transaction using input encoded in hexadecimal format.

    "chaincode": "<evmcc-ccid>",
    "args": [
    "sync": true

Interacting With the Smart Contract by Using Method Names

Use the optional setAbi method to set an Application Binary Interface (ABI) specification, which allows you to send input and get output in readable (not hexadecimal-encoded) format instead of bytecode. Click the ABI icon (next to the Bytecode icon) on the Solidity Compiler panel in the Remix IDE to get the ABI specification. The following input types are supported for the readable input format: uint, string, address, bool, uint[], string[], and address[]. Running transactions on smart contracts that implement method overriding and method overloading is not supported from the fab3 proxy, only from the REST proxy. The following sample payload uses the setAbi method to set an ABI specification.

    "chaincode": "<evmcc-ccid>",
    "args": [
        "<abi-spec-of-smart-contract>" --> use the string format of the abi specification
    "sync": true

You can also make calls using the method name and input parameters directly, as shown in the following sample payload.

    "chaincode": "<evmcc-ccid>",
    "args": [
		"[<array-of-input-parameters>]", --> empty array if there are no input parameters.
		"[<string-array-of-input-types>]" --> this is optional and is needed when there is method overriding in the smart contract.
    "sync": true

Configuring Gas Amounts

You can configure the gas amount by using the setGasAmount and getGasAmount methods, as shown in the following sample payloads.

    "chaincode": "<evmcc-ccid>",
    "args": [
    "sync": true
    "chaincode": "<evmcc-ccid>",
    "args": [
    "sync": true